This page contains call result explanations. While the list does not contain all call result explanations for all companies, it is a starting point and will be updated periodically.
Call Results
Call Result |
Definition |
These results require some action by the employee. |
Accepted |
The employee has accepted the callout. |
The employee pressed 1 to respond to the callout, but ARCOS was already calling the next employee. |
Declined |
The employee has declined the callout. |
Do Not Call Again |
The employee has declined the callout and wishes not to be called again. |
Employee Not Home |
The employee is not home. |
Qualified No-Call Again |
The employee has declined but will be called again if everyone on the roster has been called and there are still positions remaining to be filled. |
Answering Machine |
The answering machine result in ARCOS is not based on whether the answering machine was reached but on how the call progressed. An answering machine result is recorded for any call 30 seconds or longer that does not have any digits received. |
Telephone - Hang-Up with No Input |
The employee hung up or the connection was lost less than 30 seconds into the call. |
Unfit for Duty |
The employee has responded that he is Unfit for Duty. He will not be called again for 5 hours. |
Invalid Entry - Errored Out |
This will be recorded anytime incorrect, invalid, or incomplete input is received. "Invalid entry, please try again." is played three times before ARCOS plays. "I'm sorry you're having problems..." and ends the call. |
Paged |
The employee has been paged. |
Telephone - Hang-Up w/Digits Received |
Some input has been received, but the employee has not accepted or declined the callout and has not errored out. If seen as a result for an inbound call the employee may have errored out on the call and heard the "Invalid Entry..." message play three times. |
These results occur when a connection has not been established. |
Pager- Busy |
ARCOS has received a busy signal from a pager. |
Pager - Incomplete Page |
The connection with the pager ended before the paging string could be sent. |
Telephone - Busy |
The employee's telephone is busy. |
Telephone - FAX or modem line |
A fax or modem line has been reached. |
Telephone - Ring, No Answer |
The telephone rings, but no one picked up. |
Telephone - Out of Service |
The employee's telephone is out of service. |
Telephone - Telco Error |
This cause is used when a called party does not respond to a call establishment message with either an alerting or connect indication within the prescribed period of time allocated. |
These are not actual call results but will appear in the Callout Detail Report if certain conditions are met. |
Manual Pop-Up Expired |
A manual pop-up expired for an employee who is working now but is available for a callout at a future time. The pop-up expires if the dispatcher does not respond to the employee via a pop-up within your company's allowed time. (Usually 10 minutes.) |
No Result |
An Inbound Call ended before the employee heard the callout information or an operator navigated away from the Manual Response page before recording an Accept or Decline. |
An employee called inbound within a company-specified number of minutes of the employee's last outbound call for a callout that has been filled or stopped. |
These are error messages returned by the Telephone Company. They indicate a temporary problem on the line. |
Telephone - CPA Error |
ARCOS has received an error signal from the telephone company. This is very rare. |
Telephone - CPA Stop |
ARCOS has received an error signal from the telephone company. This is very rare. |
Telephone - Disconnected |
The employee's telephone has been disconnected. This is very rare. |
Telephone - Expiry Error |
ARCOS has received an error signal from the telephone company. This is very rare. |
Telephone - ISDN Error |
ARCOS has received an error signal from the telephone company. |
Telephone - Line Blocked |
ARCOS has received an error signal from the telephone company. This is very rare. |
Telephone - No Ring |
ARCOS has received an error signal from the telephone company. This is very rare. |
Telephone - Out of Service |
ARCOS has received an error signal from the telephone company. |
Telephone - Unknown CPA Error |
ARCOS has received an error signal from the telephone company. This is very rare. |
SMS Results
SMS Result |
Definition |
SMS Sent |
An SMS message was sent. |
SMS Failed |
SMS message failed to send. There will also be an error message recorded with the result. |
Not Called - SMS Disabled |
The contact does not have an SMS device enabled or set up. |
Not Called - SMS Stopped |
The user replied "STOP" to the SMS shortcode. ARCOS cannot send additional SMS messages until the user replies "START". |
Not Called - SMS Not Verified |
The user's SMS device is in an "unverified" state. If the user has received a verification text they need to reply with "START" or a new verification text needs to be sent. |
Not Called - SMS invalid |
The device is not a valid number to send an SMS message to. |
Not Called - SMS Blocked |
The user replied "STOP" to the SMS shortcode. ARCOS cannot send additional SMS messages until the user replies "START". |
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