You may add data layers to your map at any time. This may be background map information such as parcels or company boundaries or may be asset data such as transformers or meters.
Data formats accepted include GeoJSON and GeoDatabase. For additional formats please contact ARCOS Support.
Web Service
Use Postman, or equivalent or cURL directly to the web service provided to you by ARCOS. It will look like the following with your server and codes included:
https://<server>/nwa/r/<your customer code>/services/features/<name of data layer>
where the last token here is the name you want to give your new data layer.
Using cURL
If you are using curl you will need to specify the following, please ask ARCOS Support for any assistance you need:
curl -H “Content-Type: application/geo+json” -u <your user token>
<server URL seen above>
-d your data
Using Your Browser
1. Click on “Choose File” and select the data file you wish to upload.
2. Click “Headers” and change the content-type to “application/geo+json
3. Click “Send”
In the Management Control Center
You can see the data you uploaded by opening the sidebar, selecting Layers and expanding “System”. The name you gave your data layer will be listed and visible to you.
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