The icons in the lower right corner of the map offer the following tools:
Go to Previous View Use this icon to return to the previous map view.
Return to Initial Position Zoom out to the original, high-level view of the area.
Go to Location Pinpoint a specific location on the map by latitude and longitude, absolute X and Y coordinates or by feature (as defined by Object ID).
Search for Features Locate a feature based on a feature type (i.e., equipment, feeder, vehicle, zip code boundary, etc.). The Advanced link enables you to search with very detailed criteria associated with a specific equipment type.
Print/Plot Define output options and generate a hard copy of the map.
Toggle Legend Use this icon to display a floating map legend on and off.
Toggle Layers Use this icon to toggle map layers on and off.
Media Use this icon to view photos associated with a report.
Bookmark Use this icon to save the current map view.
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