RosterApps Enhancements
The following issues have been resolved:
• RAPD-13696 - Absent/PTO Reasons Not Showing All Settings when Link Accrual Account is Selected
• RAPD-13773 - Un-Formatted Rows - Tabs Should Not be Allowed in Bid Line Label [ZD #61027]
Time & Attendance Enhancements
RAPD-13542 - CA Meal Break Opt/Ph 1: Variable Length (Add Meal Break to Time Card)
ARCOS has enhanced Meal Break Rule page by adding the “Variable Length Based on Continuous Shift”
Meal Break Rule Type. When configured, the Time Card will reflect different meal breaks so that users can
adhere to new California Meal Break laws.
Once selected, users can define the Meal Break Ranges to apply and appear on the Time Card.
For example:
0-4 hours gives no meal break, 4.01-8 gives 30 minute meal break, 8.01-99 gives 60 minute meal break
- If employee works 3 continuous hours, they will get no meal break.
- If employee works 4.5 continuous hours, they will get a 30 minute meal break.
- If employee works 10 continuous hours, they will get a 60 minute meal break.
- If no match is found from the settings, then no meal break will be added.
Using this function will result in no more than one single break being added to the the shift on the time card.
RAPD-13623 - Rename the Section “Associated Override Input Pay Codes”
ARCOS has updated Post Accumulator Page by renaming the “Associated Override Input Pay Codes” section to “Associated Override Input Filter Pay Codes”.
The following issue has been resolved:
• RAPD-12810 - Split Shift Time Card: Only Displays Shift as Split in Supervisor View
Enhanced Vacation Bidding Enhancements
RAPD-12909 - Make Time Off Labels Configurable
ARCOS has updated EVB to allow Location Administrators to configure whether or not Awarded PTO Labels will appear on the Employee calendar. Enabling the new Calendar Setting “Show Awarded PTO Labels on calendar (EVB):” will display the “Awarded PTO” labels on the calendar accessible to Employees, Supervisors, and Schedule Viewers. This setting is enabled by default.
RAPD-13061 - Employee Role Canceling an Awarded Week from Home Page
ARCOS has updated the Employee Home page to only display a full week entry in the “Time Off Shifts
Requested/Approved” instead of individual days. The purpose of displaying the entire Awarded week is to let the employee know if they chose to cancel, it must be the entire week and not individual days.
NOTE: The when the “Must Request to Cancel Published Time Off Award Week (Enhanced Vacation Bid)”
setting must be enabled to display a single entry in the “Time Off Shifts Requested/Approved” table that
allows the employee to cancel the whole week and not individual days.
RAPD-13309 - Change Calendar on Employee Preference Screen
ARCOS has reduced the size of Calendar on the Bid Preference page, available to employees when selecting their vacation preferences. Month labels will also persist when scrolling to improve usability.
Users can still scroll to navigate between months.
The following issues have been resolved:
• RAPD-13926 - Cancellation of Awarded Vacation Week - Drop-Down Menu [ZD #61662]
• RAPD-14049 - Participants Report Inaccurate Time [ZD #61813]
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