RosterApps Enhancements
RAPD-12313 - IdeaBank: Add Qualifications - Display Employee Name
ARCOS has updated the Add Qualifications page, accessible when editing an employee, to display the
employees name at the top of screen throughout the process.
RAPD-12947 - Enhanced Employee Qualifications Handling Upon Transfers
ARCOS has enhanced the Employee Qualifications handling during both standard and temporary Location
transfers. Employee Qualifications will now be handled in the same manner as Employee Skills; all current
Qualifications will be listed and available for selection or deselection (regardless of whether the target
Location has the Qualification) by a Location Administrator on the Transfer Employee page.
NOTE: Any Qualifications that are not part of the Location are listed at the bottom when Editing for an
Employee. Once deleted or expired, these Qualifications cannot be added back.
Time & Attendance Enhancements
RAPD-11835 - Updated Accrual Process to Use “Should Enforce Status” Options
ARCOS has enhanced Accrual Calculators to include the Should Enforce Status option. This update allows
Company Administrators to define the number of days per accrual frequency that an employee must have
been in certain statuses in order to receive an accrual.
When the Accrual Calculator runs with “Should Enforced Status” enabled and “All days in frequency” is
selected, the calculator will only apply accruals to employees who have been in an active status or any
inactive statuses, added via Employee Classifications, for all days during the accrual frequency.
When the accrual calculator runs with “Should Enforced Status” enabled and a specific number of days is entered, the calculator will only apply accruals to employees who have been in an active status or any inactive statuses, added via Employee Classifications, for at least the number of days specified during the accrual frequency. For example, if days is specified as 10, the employee must have been in an active status for 10 or more days during the accrual frequency.
When “Should Enforce Status” is not checked, the Accrual Calculator will not check for the employees based on status. Everyone should be included, subject to any other filters which have been enabled in the calculator.
RAPD-12095 - PPC Updates Need to Affect Time Banks
ARCOS has enhanced Time Bank functionality to display any Prior Pay Correction updates that affect a
Custom Time Bank that uses the associated Pay Code. For example, if a PPC is submitted that affects the OT Pay Code, any Custom Time Bank that uses the OT Pay Code will display that entry with the corresponding PPC hours change.
The comment section will display “Manual Adjustment” or “Shift Improvement” depending on the type of
action made to the shift during PPC as well as the date the action was made.
RAPD-12972 - Two Way Trade Logic - PPC Implementation
ARCOS has updated the PPC page to handle shifts traded away during a Pay Protected Two-Way Trade.
• Time Keepers will only have the ability to remove Shifts that are traded away on the PPC page.
• Time Keeper will only have the ability to edit a shift that has been received in a Two-Way Trade and
marked as absent.
The following issue has been resolved:
• RAPD-12826 - PPC Calendar Skips a Week when Sunday/Monday Shift is Edited [ZD #57017]
Enhanced Vacation Bidding Enhancements
RAPD-12123 - Hide Old Vacation Bid Groups in Work Groups Settings
ARCOS has updated the Edit Work Group page by removing the Vacation Bid Group field in the Settings
section for Locations that have the Use Enhanced Vacation Bidding option is enabled.
The following issue has been resolved:
• RAPD-12566 - All Awards Page: Liability Slots Are Not Displaying Based On Current Status - Incorrect
Slot Counts [ZD #56893]
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