RosterApps Enhancements
RAPD-12608 - Awards with (#) Need to be Published Error is Present Even After
Awards were Published
ARCOS has updated Legacy Vacation Bidding to NOT display a “#” if Bid Line Shifts have had PTO published on them and there are additional shifts (i.e. trades) that are still on the employee’s calendar. Only Bid Line Shifts will be marked as PTO.
RAPD-13347 - IdeaBank: Add Supervisor Approvals to Both Traded Shifts
ARCOS has enhanced Two Way Trades by recording Supervisor approvals and displaying in the Employee
Shift History and Day History for both shifts involved. Previously the Supervisor approval was only displayed on the shift traded away by the employee who originated the trade request.
RAPD-13351 - IdeaBank: Add Classification Date to Employees Tab
ARCOS has enhanced the Employees tab to now display the Classification Date for the listed employees as defined in their profile. The addition of the Classification Date column allows Location Administrators to easily verify these dates when creating a live Bid.
The Classification Date will only be available if the Location Administrator has access to view it.
Time & Attendance Enhancements
RAPD-13380 - Time Keeper Can Perform Supervisor Functions
ARCOS has enhanced Time & Attendance to give Time Keepers the ability to perform Supervisor functions within the Employee calendar.
Once enabled per Location, Time Keepers will be able to perform the following actions on employee calendars for assigned Work Groups if also permitted by the Supervisor role:
• Mark as Absent
• Mark as Late
• Mark as Left Early
• Unassign Shift
• Split Shift
• Edit Shift
• New Comment
• History (view)
• Edit Absence
• Clear Absence (done within Edit Absence)
• Schedule Shift
• Show Day History (view)
• Add/Edit Punch
Company Administrators must enable the “Allow Time Keeper Employee Calendar Actions” option at the
Location level prior to the Employee tab displaying for Time Keepers.
RAPD-13492 - Add Separate Settings for Time Keepers in the Dependability Rule Set
ARCOS has enhanced the Dependability Rule Set to include settings specific to the role of a Time Keeper.
Enhanced Vacation Bidding Enhancements
RAPD-12760 - Show Slots by Weeks
ARCOS has updated Enhanced Vacation Bidding to now display the “weeks” count in addition to “days”
within the Slot Liability Totals section of the Liability Levels page.
When setting up Liability for the first time. The week count will take the lowest amount for the week while the days will count all. Note the weeks below will only count the 0 or non entries for the last table.
RAPD-13392 - Bid Round Effective Start Date Should Default to Current Date
ARCOS has enhanced Bid Round functionality to have the Effective Date Range start date default to the
current date when creating a new Bid Round.
NOTE: The Start Date will default to the current date even when the Location does require the Bid Package to start on a specific day of the week and the current date does not match that. A future fix will automatically set the start date to the next valid future date matching the start day of week set at the location.
RAPD-13448 - Run Awards: Revise Status vs. Action Display and Behavior Icons
ARCOS has updated the Run Awards page within Enhanced Vacation Bidding to comply with UX Standards regarding clickable icons. The status and action icons have been split into two separate elements:
• Status icons, which display with a colored background, now appear to the left of the awarded preference
and are non-clickable.
• Action icons now appear to the right of the awarded preference and are clickable allowing the user to
manually award or unaward the preference.
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