Shift Classifications Sets allow the user to define the order in which Shift Classifications are compared to a shift. There can be multiple Shift Classification Sets for use in different Pay Rule Sets. Note that individual shift classifications can be utilized in multiple Shift Classification Sets.
It is best practice to set the order of Classifications from least common shift to most common shift considering as soon as the shift is matched with a Classification, the process stops and none of the subsequent Shift Classifications are checked against the shift. Selecting the Shift Classification Sets link opens the list of established Classifications sets within the company.
Clicking the Edit icon opens the Edit Shift Classification Set window allowing the user to make any necessary updates.
The display order can be rearranged by grabbing the Sort icon and dragging the classification into the new desired order.
Click the Delete icon to remove a classification from the list.
Select the History icon to view all changes made to the listed Classification set.
Add a Shift Classification Set
Clicking the + Add Classification button opens the New Shift Classification window.
Enter the Name and Description for the new set.
The Active option is enabled by default.
Enter the values in the Display Order field for the new set to appear in the list. The ordering of this list is important since the system will look at each Shift Classification in the listed order and once a classification is found that meets the shift conditions, the system will stop searching.
Click the + Add Classifications button and toggle ON the Components to include.
The Impacted section of the page alerts users to the potential impact changes to the current component may have while editing, such as Pay Rule Sets and Accumulators.
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