Shift Classifications identify the type of shift worked and is defined by the attributes, considered components within Time and Attendance, that make up a shift. Shift Classifications allow the user to combine and categorize these components which will then be used for processing payroll.
Selecting the Shift Classifications link opens the list of established Classifications within the company.
Default Classifications are not editable, denoted with the View-Only icon. Clicking the name will display the details of the listed Shift Classifications.
Clicking the Edit icon opens the Edit Schedule Classification window allowing the user to make any necessary updates.
The Operators (AND /OR) within the Classification Conditions can be changed simply by clicking on them.
Select the History icon to view all changes made to the listed Classification set.
To create a new Shift Classification:
Enter the Name and Description for the new Classification.
The Active option is enabled by default.
Enter the value in the Display Order field for the new Classification to appear in the list.
Shift Classification Conditions are the components/attributes that are used to define the Shift Classification they are associated with. Click the + Add button and select the components to include.
Multiple conditions can be added to a shift classification and they can be checked with either an AND or OR operator. Nesting of components is allowed, however the UI restricts the user to two levels of nesting currently. If more than two levels of nesting is required for a shift classification, please contact support for assistance with this.
The Impacted section of the page alerts users to the potential impact changes to the current component may have while editing, such as Pay Rule Sets and Accumulators.
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