The Employee Classifications section allows the company admin to identify the employee status such as Full-time, Part-time, etc, which can be used as filters for accrual calculators and accumulators to determine payroll.
Selecting the Employee Classification link opens the list of established classifications within the company for employees.
Each Employee Classification in the list is displayed in the specified order by name, updated by whom and when, and the status. Clicking the Edit icon opens the Edit Employee Classification window allowing the user to make an necessary updates.
Select the History icon to view all changes made to the listed Employee Classification.
Add an Employee Classification
Clicking the + Add New button opens the New Employee Classification window.
Enter the Name and Description for the new Employee Classification.
The Active option is enabled by default.
Enter the value in the Display Order field which defines where the Classification will appear in the list. If left blank, it will be added to the end of the list.
Employee Classification Conditions are the components/attributes that are used to define the Employee Classifications they are associated with. Clicking the Add + button in the Employee Classification Condition section and select the components to include. Like with shift classifications, multiple components can be added and connected by AND or OR operators.
The Impacted section of the page alerts users to the potential impact changes to the current component may have while editing, such as Pay Rule Sets and Accumulators.
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