A Vacation Bid Package is where a company can configure specific inputs to provide a unique experience that matches their company’s needs. Existing packages are listed in the Enhanced Vacation Bids tab and display details such as the Bid Package Name, Vacation Bid Group, Active status, Effective Start/End Dates and Bidding Start/End Dates.
Check the Hide Past Bid Packages box to filter out expired Packages.
The user can edit an existing package by clicking the pencil icon () or create a new one by clicking the + Add button at the top of the page.
TIP: For best results, prior to Bid Package creation or ideally no later than the bid round start date:
Assign employee shift bid lines.
If employees must have enough hours in their accrual account to receive an award, ensure accrual accounts have been updloaded/updated accordingly.
When creating a new package, the Active checkbox is defaulted to off. Select the Active checkbox to be able to use the new package within the system. Name the package and enter the Effective Date Range within the fields. Based on the dates selected, the available vacation bid groups will be populated. Select the Vacation Bid Group to associate it with from the dropdown menu. The icons at the top of the window, Bid Notification, etc display the status for the listed component of the process. A white checkmark on green background indicates completion.
The Company Holidays section is shown in the Bid Package because Company Holidays into the system by a Company Administrator. It is best practice for the Company Holidays to be set up prior to a Bid Package being created.
Select he first radio button to have the system charge the employee's accrual account on holidays when the employee has a shift scheduled.
Select the second button to not have the system charge an employee's accrual account on holidays.
The Award Options section allows the location administrator to set award limits based on employee status and years of service for the bid package. These limits (based on hours and/or selections) apply to the total across all rounds within the bid package.
- Seniority Calculation Date - the seniority of an employee can be calculated based on first day of award or upon a specific date that is selectable. Choose the appropriate option for your location.
- Under the Max hours available section, enter one or more entries per status and years of service. These cannot overlap. To add entries, click the + sign. The following dialog appears:
- Employee Status - Select a value from the list of available statuses
- Years of Service - Enter a lower and upper bound for the years of service
- Max hours available - Enter a value for the max hours which can be awarded within the bid package (enter 0 to ignore this setting)
- Max selections available - Enter a value for the max number of selections that can be awarded within the bid package (enter 0 to ignore this setting)
Note: one or both of the "Max hours available" and "Max selections available" settings can be entered. If both are entered, the system will check both and if either are exceeded, the award will not be done.
The Options section of the Bid Package screen allows for companies to create unique configurations within the system.
Allow all employees within a Vacation Bid Group to view each other's vacation bid round results:
The Location Administrator will select the first checkbox when they want to provide transparency for their employees to view a display of who did or did not receive the vacation days that each specific employee has selected as vacation time off.
it will also allow employees to view an entire list of the bid results for all the other employees in their Vacation Bid Group.
Allow employees to select persistent preferences:
Enable this option to allow the employee to maintain a selected Bid Preference between Bid Rounds within the Bid Package.
Have system create covering shifts when PTO is approved, and allow shifts to be covered by overtime:
With this checkbox selected, the RosterApps system will automatically create covering shifts (that can be assigned to another employee). This would occur when the Location Admin approves and publishes the Bid Round Awards within the system.
Ignore accrual balances:
The Location Admin will want to check this box when they have employees that do not have enough accrual time in their accrual banks within the system to select and submit preferences. Another reason this selection would be a MUST is when the Location Admin or the company does not upload accrual time off data into the system.
Vacation Bid Acknowledgment:
When this checkbox is selected, a screen opens allowing the user to customize a message to be displayed to the employees of that Bid Package when they first navigate to the Vacation Bid Package. The employee must acknowledge the message before they can submit their bids.
Allow for bid rounds to overlap on a bid package:
Allows the Location Admin to setup Bid Rounds where the effective dates being bid on are overlapping between multiple rounds.
Allow employees to view unpublished awards:
Selecting this option allows for employees to view vacation awards that have not yet been published. Since awards are not "official" until published, it is usually best practice to keep this option unchecked.
Shifts from vacation weeks will deduct hours on the ... :
Start of each shift - the default option is to always have accruals deducted as of the start date/time of each shift that is being converted to PTO
FIRST day of that week (at 00:00) when week is split between years - select this option if accruals should be charged as of the first day of the week when a week spans years.
LAST day of that week (at 23:59) when week is split between years - select this option if accruals should be charged as of the last day of the week when a week spans years.
Note that when selecting either the second or third option above, it will only apply to the last week of the year which overlaps years. All other weeks during the year will still deduct accrual hours based on the start of each shift.
Once a Bid Package is saved it will be listed in the Enhanced Vacation Bids tab.
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