Text-to-Speech uses the existing Wave to Web functionality and allows users to create custom message without a microphone and without the worry of the recording being too quite on the call.
To Create a Custom Message via Text-to-Speech
Click the Custom Msgs button on the Callout Tab.
Check the Only display messages for (current location) checkbox, to view only custom messages available in current location.
Note: All Custom Messages are available to all ARCOS users throughout the same URL, no matter who recorded them. Deselecting the checkbox displays every Custom message recorded in ARCOS within the URL.
Note: Not all customers have the checkbox mentioned above, therefore all custom messages are available for use when creating/editing a callout.
Select Custom Message from the Please select message type dropdown.
Click the Record New Message button. - OR –
Click edit link next to the message to modify an existing message.
Note: You may receive a security pop-up for the custom message applet. Check the Always trust content from this publisher checkbox and click run. This will allow the applet to run automatically whenever you access the Message Detail page.
In the Recording Console header, you will see the Flash icon and the Use Flash Audio/TTS link will be available.
Enter the custom message description in the Description textbox.
Type the message in the Text-to-Speech (TTS) textbox, at the bottom of the page.
Note: A maximum of 1,000 characters can be used for Text-to-Speech.
Select the gender of the voice, male or female, from the Voice dropdown.
Select the speed from the Speed dropdown, Medium usually works the best.
Note: If Custom Message Text is used on the Callout Create page, a pop-up will appear asking if the Text-to-Speech text should be copied to the Text (for e-mail) field. Click OK to copy the text or Cancel to not copy the text.
Click the play button to verify the information. Repeat steps 6-10 until satisfied with the recording.
Click the Upload button, above the Text-to-Speech (TTS) textbox, when satisfied with the recording.
Click here for a video tutorial on Creating and Saving Custom Messages.
Note: If the text entered in the Text to Speech field was more than 500 characters, the text in the Text (for e-mail) field will need to be shortened to less than 500 characters before the file can be uploaded.
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