Changes will be deployed to QA on Friday, April 7, 2023 and Production on Thursday, April 20, 2023
RAPD-11828 - Updated Employee Home Page UI
ARCOS has restyled the Employee Home page. Employees logging in and viewing their HOME page can
expand or collapse any section using the triangle icon available per section.
RAPD-12550 - Added PTO Rule Settings for Canceling Awarded Weeks
ARCOS has added new Paid Time Off Rule Settings, available to Company Administrators, which will allow
for the cancellation of Awarded Time Off. These new Rule Sets include “Can Request to Cancel Awarded
Time Off” and “Must Request to Cancel entire Time Off Award” checkboxes as well as a field to enter the
“Minimum Days Before Request to Cancel Time Off Award” value.
NOTE: Although the new PTO Rule Sets appear within the platform, functionality will follow in a future release.
RAPD-7921 - PPC: Add Functionality To Remove “Do Not Pay” Day
ARCOS has added functionality to allow Time Keepers to remove a “Do Not Pay” day from an employees
PPC calendar. Right+Clicking on the day noted from a week where payroll has been processed or frozen,
displays the Remove Do Not Pay Day option. Select to remove, confirm and the designated Do Not Pay is
RAPD-11608 - Updated Supervisor’s Assign Shift Page to Display Custom Time Banks
ARCOS has updated the Supervisor’s Assign Shift page to include the Custom Time Banks, when enabled by a Location Administrator, to ensure assignments are made in an impartial manner.
Location Administrators must enable this option, per location, prior to the columns appearing. This is
accomplished by selecting the Shift Assignment Columns link available in the SETTINGS tab and checking the boxes of the Time Banks that are to be displayed.
RAPD-11611 - Added Custom Time Banks to Employee Home Page
ARCOS has added the Time Bank Summary section to the Employees HOME page. All current active Time
Banks for the employee’s location will be listed displaying their accumulated time.
RAPD-11830 - Create Reset Time Banks Page
ARCOS has created a Reset Time Bank page allowing Location Administrators to reset the hours for multiple Employees and/or Work Groups at the same time. Selecting the Time Banks link available in the SETTINGS tab opens the list of active Time Bank for the selected Location. Each listed Time Bank includes a icon which allows the users to edit the current Hours, as well as well as select Work Groups and Employees to include. Click the Reset Hours button to save the changes (this functionality will follow in a future release).
The following EVB issue has been resolved:
• RAPD-12418 - PPC: Not showing the Correct Daily OT/DT [ZD #56285]
RAPD-12194 - Updated Bid Rounds Page
ARCOS has updated the Bid Rounds page within Enhanced Vacation Bidding. When accessing a Bid Package, a Bid Rounds tab has been added to the top of the page and selecting opens Bid Rounds page.
This page displays all associated Bid Rounds sorted by oldest to newest with each including a Publish
option available. Bid Rounds shown with the yellow vertical stripe reflect the rounds which have unpublished awards.
RAPD-12463 - Notification of Submitted Preferences by Week or Day as Configured
ARCOS has updated the email notification employees receive regarding their Bid Preferences to be
configured based on the how the Bids are defined. Bid Preferences by Week or Days will be reflected as
such in the email notification received by the employee who submitted the bid.
The following EVB issue has been resolved:
• RAPD-10443 - If Awarded and Published Prior to Shift Assignment, Hours are Never Deducted from
Accruals When Published When Bid Round Hours Charged is Based on Shifts
Schedule Shift Hours.
Below are scenarios associated with this specific setting in Legacy and EVB, and the results. In all
examples, all employees have 0 vacation accruals in the Edit Paid Time Off Bank. If employees have
more than enough hours, it will never deduct them after they are initially Awarded or Published prior to
shift assignment.
1. If shifts have never been assigned to the employee, when vacation is Awarded, it is reflected in the
Award table (as unpublished), with 0 hours to charge, because no shifts to charge against. EVB
works this way as well. (No bug - this is just informational)
2. When shifts are later assigned after awarding vacation, if they don’t have sufficient accrual hours,
their accrual balance hours are reflected negatively in the Future or Past approved PTO. If shifts
are assigned, EVB reflects the published shifts in future or past approved PTO tables, but doesn’t
deduct the accrual hours. (This is a bug as accruals should be deducted when the shifts are assigned)
3. If shifts were previously assigned prior to submitting awards, and the bid package is shortened, they
are charged for the former bid line hours even though no longer in effect (no shifts anymore but
based on former bid line assignment. Not reflected in Future or Past PTO award tables.) EVB
doesn’t deduct accrual hours but does display the labels for published awards without shifts as
expected. (This is a bug as accruals should still be deducted based on the old bid line which was
4. If one extends the same shift bid package bid lines, reinstating the employee’s former shifts, the
awards are reflected in the Future or Past PTO Award tables and deducts the hours from the accrual
balance resulting in a negative balance. EVB reflects the published shifts in future or past
approved PTO tables, but doesn’t deduct the accrual hours (same as #2, but a different scenario).
(This is a bug as accruals should be deducted when the shifts are assigned)
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