ARCOS Users in admin level Security Groups may wish to control a portion of the login process for OSCAR Users. This can be done with User Login Administration, found in the Sys Admin tab. This will include controlling password related features.
When you access the User Login Administration page you will be presented with a set of options which control the login feature. This will present one mandatory and four optional fields.
Disable password/security feature which allows user password reset.
- This option will result in users having the ability to reset their own Web password from the login page revoked.
Minimum password length (default=8, min=8)
- This field allows a user to set the minimum length for a password. This value can be no less than 8.
Password format requirements?
- This will allow users to require passwords to meet specific requirements:
- None
- Must contain at least one non-alpha character
- Must include 3 of these 4 categories: uppercase, lowercase, numeric, special
- This option will be set to None by default.
Don’t allow WebID (LoginId) in password?
- This will prevent users from selecting a password which contained their Web ID if checked.
Mandatory password expiration in days (optional)
- Setting a numeric value in this field will result in passwords expiring after a set number off days. An admin may also check the Expire all web passwords now? option, if they wish.
Don’t allow reuse of previous passwords. How many?* (optional)
- This will allow admin to prevent users from reusing old passwords if they change their current one.
Admin can enter temporary password when Resetting Web user?
- Checking this option will allow ARCOS Users with the ability to reset others’ passwords to enter a temporary one which can be used to log into ARCOS.
- Reset password if WebID is changes during Data Load? *
This will result in a user’s web password being reset is a regularly scheduled data load changes their Web ID. If your company does not utilize this functionality, this option does not need to be considered.
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