When determining the times calls were made on a callout the first place which you may look is the Attempt Date field on a Callout Detail Report. This is not the exact time the call was made but rather when ARCOS prepared to call the employee. In order to find the actual start time of the call you should either use the Attempt Date’s tool tip or review the Individual Call Detail.
The Attempt Date’s tool tip can be displayed by sitting your mouse over the Attempt Date field and waiting a couple seconds. You can see an example below.
The first time specified by “Call dur” is the actual start time of the call. This can also be seen on the Individual Call Detail.
You may have noticed these times are slightly different. It normally takes a few seconds for ARCOS to start calling employees. If you were to see a significant gap between the Attempt Date and Call Start time, then it may be advisable to reach out to ARCOS and request that ARCOS Support review the call in question.
Note: The time between Attempt Date and Call Start can be affected by the size of a callout. If a very large number of positions are requested, then the time difference may increase.
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