Here the administrator can set the discrete permissions another user has access to. Specifically, the capability to send and manage Connection Requests, Resource Requests, and to manage Responding Partner Groups, Responding Partners, Resource Groups, and Resources.
1 Connection / Resource Requests
Connection Requests
Connection Requests are how Utilities and Responding Partners connect prior to being able to create Resource Requests between each other.
Resource Requests
Resource Requests are the specific forms a Requester fills out to send to specific Responding Partners for equipment, employees, and/or vehicles to respond to an event for assessment and repair.
When a Responding Partner Swaps out a piece of equipment, employee, or vehicle within a Resource Request. Checking the box enables notifications.
This check box specifically pertains to notifications that appear at the top of the page (Notifications) about the action it’s linked to.
Checking this box gives the user the capability to receive notifications about Connection Requests, Resource Requests, or Swaps.
Send / Manage
This check box specifically pertains to doing things with the action it’s link to.
Checking this box gives the user the capability to initiate connection requests or resource requests, manage current connections with Responding Partners (suspend or break them), or manage current resource requests in Events.
2 Responding Partner and Resource Permissions
Within these sections, the administrator can set the specific items within each box the user can use. These items are mutually exclusive of each other, if an item is not selected the user cannot see that item anywhere within the Resource Assist system.
Selecting / deselecting items within these boxes is the same functionality as other selection boxes in the Resource Assist system.
Click and Drag
Click on one item in the list and drag to select multiple items
Shift-click - Select one item, then hold shift and click a second one. This selects all items between the first-clicked and the second-clicked, including the first and second clicked.
Ctrl-click - Holding the Ctrl button on the keyboard and clicking on individual items allows the user to select specific items from the list.
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