Qualifications in RosterApps are not commonly used in RosterApps and are intended for use with integration partners. They are a means of storing information about Employee users' qualifications/certifications for use with third-party applications, through the digestion of GetSchedules data.
Largely this affects clients who have integrations, and who specifically uses Inform's RealTime application.
Qualifications in RosterApps
Qualifications in RosterApps is a way to store data that integrated partners can utilize (currently with the GetSchedules API call). Largely, this was created for use with the Inform solution, RealTime. (Though this could be leveraged in other ways potentially.)
Setup of Qualifications
In some of Inform’s solutions our clients utilize, the Supervisor/Admins need to know when they go to assign a task whether a given person is qualified for that task. This is where those clients utilize the Qualifications feature. RosterApps is just holding that Qualifications data, it’s just a storage spot. There are no logical effects within RosterApps, it only interacts with integrations and gets transmitted (when applicable) in the GetSchedules call. When the end-user in RealTime goes to assign someone a task within a shift, they use that data to determine if the person is qualified.
If you click on the Qualifications tab for a given company within an instance, you may see some Qualifications data already present. If none is present yet, you may create new Qualifications by clicking on the ‘Create New Qualifications’ link, small blue text, towards the upper-right corner of the Qualifications table:
If you click on the Edit link for an existing Qualification, you may modify it and save your changes. The Create/Edit screen appears as follows:
The Code field is what is displayed as the Qualifications name, and the description is longer-form text about it. This might appear upon mouse-over. However, the Outside Code is the field you will want to be sure matches whatever code the third-party system is looking for. (Again, similar to other 3rd party codes used in RosterApps.) One can create as many Qualifications as you like. Once you have them established, don’t forget that you need to enable them for the relevant Locations (this is similar to how Skills behave in RosterApps):
Once that is completed, you will then be able to access Qualifications for employee users at the respective location(s):
Or you can handle them en masse via the WorkGroups tab:
One of the nice things about Qualifications is that they do expire, and you can set those expirations to require that qualification information/validity is revisited regularly.
There are currently no in-interface means of triggering or alerting an Admin if/when Qualifications are due to expire. The management of this information is entirely upon the client, regarding maintenance and accuracy.
The Product team is considering potential future development of tying Qualifications to skills in some manner, and potentially being able to integrate that with a third-party Learning Management System to maintain those certifications, but that is not operable as of this writing.
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