The Provider details are maintained and tracked here in the External Requests tab.
The information tracked here includes:
Requested - Enter the number of Resources needed.
Offered - Enter the amount offered by the listed provider.
Accepted - Enter the amount accepted.
Committed - Enter the amount of commitments.
ETA - The date and time they are expected to arrive at the Event.
Remove the listed Provider by clicking the delete icon.
The Resource Type Card in the Summary List is updated to reflect these entries.
Select Providers
Select the contractor or utility partner that is a provider of external resources from the dropdown menu on the left. Once selected, they are then listed and entries can be made to the above categories.
Add Provider
Providers must be added to the Event prior to being available for selection. Clicking the + Add Provider button opens the Select a provider window. Select an existing Provider from the dropdown menu or enter the New Provider Name to be added and made available for selection.
Note: Only one request per provider per Resource Type can be entered.
Resource Types can be filtered. If filtered, only that column will display and the Resource Type card in the Summary List will be highlighted.
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