Accumulators Filters allow the user to specify shift hours, using the defined Filter Logic, that should be included with the associated Accumulator. This is essentially a way to exclude hours that should not be taken into account by an accumulator.
Selecting the Accumulator Filters link opens the list of established filters.
Each Accumulator Filter in the list is displayed by name, updated by whom and when, and the status. Clicking the Edit icon opens the Edit Accumulator Filter window allowing the user to update.
Select the History icon to view all changes made to the listed filter.
Add an Accumulator Filter
Clicking the Add + button opens the New Accumulator Filters window.
Enter the Name for the new filter.
The Active option is enabled by default.
Select the Time Range from the menu to apply from the filter.
When selecting any value other than "None", it will be necessary to specify a Start and End time.
The meaning of these options is described below:
- None - does not consider time of shift (value already exists)
- Any hours in range - entire shift is considered if any hours fall in range
- Only hours in range - only part of shift within time range are considered
- Entire shift in range - entire shift is considered if all hours fall in range
- Majority of shift in range - entire shift is considered if majority of shift falls in range
Enter a Description if necessary.
Select the Classification components to include in the filter by clicking the Add + button in the Filter Logic section.
The Impacted section of the page alerts users to the potential impact changes to the current component may have while editing, such as Pay Rule Sets and Accumulators.
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