An accumulator is the process of taking input shift segments for the appropriate employee and/or shift classifications and turning them into an output reflecting the number of hours assigned to a pay code used for processing payroll. The Accumulator section in the Time & Attendance tab contains all the tools needed for this process.
NOTE: Shift and potentially Employee Classifications must be defined prior to creating any accumulators. For more information on Classifications, go here.
Selecting the Accumulator link opens the list of established Accumulators for the company:
Each Accumulator in the list is displayed by name, updated by whom and when, and the status.
Clicking the Edit icon opens the Edit Accumulator window allowing the user to update.
Select the History icon to view all changes made to the listed accumulator.
Add an Accumulator
Click the Add + button to add a new Accumulator.
Enter the Name and Description for the new accumulator.
Select the Pay Code, which the accumulator will output with the summed hours, from the menu. For more info on Pay Codes, go here.
Select the Hours Source to be used in the Accumulator from the dropdown menu.
If the Accumulator is adding up hours worked, select the Shift Hours option.
If the Accumulator is adding up the hours charged to an accrual account, such as ”PTO”, then Accrual Account Hours should be selected.
If the Accumulator is adding up the hours charged to an absent reason, select the Reason Hours option.
Select the Calculation Duration (e.g., Day, Week, etc) to be used in the accumulator. When Continuous Shift is selected, the following additional fields appear:
The Maximum Gap Between Shifts To Be Considered Contiguous field allows the user to define the amount of time between segments, in minutes, for the shifts to be considered continuous.
Select from the menu the Skill to Break Contiguous Shift, to be applied to the second shift, to break the continuation, if necessary.
The Active option is enabled by default.
Select the Minimum Duration Type (e.g., Shift, Day, Week, or Pay Period).
The Minimum Duration Minutes field allows the user to set the minimum amount of time that can result from the Results Requirements if necessary.
Accumulators can include Result Requirements in the formula to determine the number of hours output. If Results Requirements are not defined, all the summed hours will be output. In the example below, only minutes more than 2400 will be included in the output of this accumulator.
Here the user defines the logic that is to be applied to the accumulator in determining the number of paid hours an employee should receive.
Any associated Shift, Employee, or Schedule Classifications can be added by clicking the Add + button displayed in the corresponding section. If no classifications are selected, then they will all be considered. If there are classifications added, then only the Shifts, Employees, and/or Schedules that match those classifications will be used when summing hours.
When selecting Associated Shift Classifications there are Input as well as Output components available.
Input component selections are Shift Classifications used in the sum of the calculation in the Result Logic. Output components are converted to the Output Pay Code of the Accumulator.
For more information on Classifications, go here.
The Impacted section of the page alerts users to the potential impact changes to the current component may have while editing, such as Pay Rule Sets and Accumulators.
Click the Save button when finished and the new accumulator appears in the list.
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