It is Monday morning, you are trying to catch up on the weekend’s events, and you get word that John Smith is filing a grievance because he was not called on the on-call list and should have been. You remember adding him to the on-call list on Friday, but when you look at the list today, John is not there. You wonder to yourself “How did John get removed from the on-call list?”
The ARCOS Roster History Report can be used to research what changes were made to the list over the weekend that caused John not to be called. The Roster History Report reveals all changes made to a list by the ARCOS System and by general ARCOS users. These changes include adding/removing employees, modifying sort preferences, Future Assignments, pointer moves, and changes to any preferences on the List Administration page.
The Roster History Report can be accessed in three ways:
- From the Roster List Admin page for the roster
- From the Roster List Maintenance page for the roster
- From the Roster History Report selector on the Log Trace tab.
Once the Roster History Report has been generated, ARCOS displays a table for each roster summarizing the changes that were made by individual users. The roster modifications are divided into seven categories. Below is a list of the categories used in the Roster History Report along with the types of modifications that are tracked under each one:
- Order – number of modifications to the roster’s order; e.g. manually changing the order on the Roster List Maintenance page
- SortPref – number of modifications made to sort preferences on the Roster List Maintenance page
- Sort – number of sorts on the roster; this can be sorts after an automated load of overtime or a web user clicking the sort button on the Roster List Maintenance page or an overtime hours page
- Adds – number of employees added to the roster; this also includes when ARCOS builds a future list for rosters that use resequence options
- Removes – number of employees removed from the roster
- CorrResp – number of corrected responses for that roster
- Chain – number of modifications to the roster’s chaining; e.g. any list the selected roster was chained to or removed from the chaining of
- Total – total number of changes made to the roster
Users can click on any of the blue links within the report to view the details of the modifications for the selected type and user.
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