To expedite callouts, ARCOS supports the creation of predefined crew complements where a crew is comprised of a certain number of people from a job classification or workgroup (e.g. 1 Foreman, 2 Linemen, and 1 Apprentice). Using crew complements can reduce the time and effort needed by dispatchers or supervisors when creating a callout. For example, a crew can be setup that will always be used if a pole needs to be replaced because for “Replace Pole” callouts, the dispatcher will always request two Linemen, one Groundman and one Apprentice.
To create a crew, follow the steps below:
- Click the Sys Admin tab.
- Click the Crew Admin button. The Crew Admin page displays.
- Click the Create New Crew button at the bottom of the page.
- Type the name of the crew in the Crew Name textbox.
- Type the number of employees needed from each workgroup or class in the Quantity textbox.
- Click the Save button at the bottom of the page. ARCOS displays a saved message at the top of the page and returns to the user the Crew Definition Admin page.
Did you know...
Is your shift over but you still have open callouts? ARCOS has a feature that allows you to transfer your open callouts to another dispatcher so they can receive any notifications from the transferred callout(s) and can manage the remainder of the callout duration?
To transfer a callout:
- Check the XFER checkbox for the callout on the View Open Callouts page.
- Select the dispatcher who will monitor the callouts from the Transfer To dropdown.
- Click the Submit button.
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