There are occasions when it might be useful to see all of the messages sent to and from a particular person (a phone number) regardless of to which group or conversation that message was sent. There is a function called "Message History" in the left-hand navigation bar that will present you with all of this information on demand. You can search for the phone number, some specific text within the messages or much more.
Below is a screenshot illustrating all of the various components of the Message History page. The numbers shown correspond with the numbered descriptions below.
- You can limit the history displayed to an individual just by selecting them from this dropdown menu.
- Alternatively you can show the history of all messages within a group by selecting it from this dropdown menu.
- Search for specific text within a message by entering it in this box.
- Limit your search to the history of messages within a specific date range.
- After you have finished entering all of the search criteria described in 1-4 click the "Show List" button.
- The total number of records that meet the criteria you entered.
- Name of the contact who sent or received the message.
- Contents of the message sent or received.
- The time and date of the sent/received message. Note that the message list can be further sorted by this column by clicking the up/down arrow in the column header to show messages in ascending or descending order.
- Status of the message. If it was a message sent by the end-user it would be an "MO" (mobile originated) message and displayed as such here. If the message was sent by the dispatcher to the end-user the carrier-reported status of the delivery is shown here.
- This handy "Reply" feature allows you to respond to any message in the history. It will automatically be sent in the thread that the message was originally sent to.
If you have any further questions about the Message History function please email or call 1-888-634-8507, press OPTION 3. Thank you for using AlertDispatcher Pro!
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