Many of our customers have told us that they send the same message frequently. Whether it's "Have a good weekend" or "The weekend on-call crew should be ready for extra activity due to the storms" or "Our team meeting will occur on schedule at 10:00 AM tomorrow at the main building" many times you might want to save that message to use again in the future without having to re-enter it.
TextPower now offers a function to do exactly that in AlertDispatcher Pro™. The "AutoFill Message" function is simple to use. When in the dispatcher's main window just click the "AutoFill Message" button in the lower right corner as shown here:
Another window will open with options to view, insert, edit, delete or create a new template. They are all clearly marked and easy to understand. The window will look like this:
If you enter a new template just click the blue "Save Template" button.
To insert a template into the message window just click the "Select this AutoFill Template" button in the same box as the template you wish to insert.
It's all quite straightforward and intuitive. Nonetheless if you need any assistance you can always get help by emailing or call 1-888-634-8507, press OPTION 3.
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