- Chapter 1. Introduction.
- Section 1. Application Concepts
- Event
- Company
- Users
- Section 2. Accessing RAMP-UP Application
- Time-Out Process
- Test Version Denotation
- Section 3. Password Recovery & Login Help
- Login Help
- Password Change Email Notification
- Section 4. Application Layout
- Launch Screen
- Application MENU
- Filters
- Keyword Search
- Side Panel
- Notifications Panel
- Data Grid
- Frequently Used Controls
- Undo, Copy/Paste and Delete
- Summary Row
- Add a Row
- Column sort
- Multi-Select Rows
- Export to Excel
- Export to PDF
- Data Updates by Concurrent Users
- Section 1. Application Concepts
- Chapter 2. Administration
- Manage Companies Screen
- Section 1. Add and Activate a New Company
- Section 2. Deleting a Company from the System
- Section 3. Edit a Company
- Manage RMAGs Screen
- Section 4. Add and Activate a New RMAG.
- Manage Users Screen
- Section 5. Add a New User
- Account Creation Email Notification
- Section 6. Edit User Information
- Profile Update Email Notification
- Section 7. Change User Password
- Password Change Email Notification
- My Profile Screen
- Section 8. Change your Personal Information, Password, and Security Question
- Manage User Roles Screen
- Section 9. Add a New Role to the System
- User Role Permissions
- Manage Companies Screen
- Chapter 3. Managing Events
- Manage Events Screen
- Section 1. Start an Event
- Event Creation Email Notification
- Section 2. Update an Event
- Section 3. Merge Events
- Section 4. Invite an RMAG or a Company
- Section 5. Close an Event
- Re-Activate Closed Events
- Manage Events Screen
- Chapter 4. Entering Requests and Responses
- Requests Screen
- Section 6. Edit and Delete Requests
- Responses Screen
- Section 7. Add a Response or Hold
- Convert a Hold to a Response
- Section 8. Manage Pre-Loaded Responses
- Section 9. Map View
- Requests Screen
- Chapter 5. Allocation & Matching
- Allocation Screen
- Section 1. Run a Pre-Staging Calculation
- Section 2. Run a Restoration Calculation
- Begin Matching
- Matching Screen
- Section 3. Perform Matching in an RMAG Event
- What effect does Matching have on Requests and Responses screens
- Automated Email Containing Requesting and Responding States
- The Event name and Calculation Run date time are auto-populated
- Can Matches be Rolled back?
- Section 4. Perform Matches in an NRE Event
- RMAG to Company Matching
- Company-to-Company Matching
- Matching Complete
- Matching Complete Email Notification
- Section 5. Roll Back Matches
- Release and Recall
- Section 6. Release Resources
- What happens on the Requests screen when resources are released
- What happens on the Responses screen when resources are released
- Section 7. Recall Resources
- What happens on the Requests screen when resources are recalled
- What happens on the Responses screen when resources are recalled
- Section 8. Bulk Release/Recall Functionality
- Section 9. Updating Company Contact Information on the Match Log
- Allocation Screen
- Chapter 6. Notifications and Reports
- Section 1. Schedule a Meeting
- Section 2. System Generated Notifications
- Preformatted Reports
- Section 3. Outage Numbers Report
- Section 4. Outage Cases Report
- Section 5. Resource Report
- Leadership Reports
- Section 6. RMAG/NMART Report
- Section 7. NREC Report
- Section 8. CEO Report
- Section 9. External Report
- Section 10. RMAG Stack Chart 88
- Dashboards
- Section 11. Dashboard Filters and Options
- Section 12. Dashboard Table
- Section 13. Map View
Chapter 1: Introduction
Section 1. Application Concepts
The following are the main conceptual entities in the RAMP-UP system.
An outage event in the system can be of two types.
RMAG Event
- An RMAG event consists of a single RMAG with the ability to invite companies outside that RMAG.
NRE event
- An NRE event consists of all RMAGs.
An RMAG is a regional mutual assistance group comprised of several associated companies. RMAGs can be created and company associations made on the Manage Companies screen.
A company may be associated with one or more RMAGs. A company may have only one Home RMAG. Companies are handled at the operating company level and Home RMAGs are updated on an annual basis. Detailed company attributes are listed under field definitions on Manage Companies
Users may be associated with one or more companies. Detailed User attributes are listed under field definitions on the Manage Users screen accessible to authorized admin users. A user inherits the Home RMAG through their relationship with their company.
Section 2. Accessing RAMP-UP Application
To log into the RAMP-UP Tool, there are two different URLs to access production and test environments: for Production
or for Test
1. Enter your username and password and click Log in.
2. Once the account is validated, a display disclaimer window pops up. Check I agree and click Proceed.
The RAMP-UP home page is displayed. Most users land on the Manage Events screen, but the landing page can be customized based on user role.
Note: multiple user logins with the same user name are not supported. You can only log into the system on only one computer at any time and you may not share your user name with another user. The system does not retain login information between sessions or allow anonymous logins. EEI RAMP-UP is
best displayed on Google Chrome browsers. A subset of RAMP-UP screens are optimized for tablet and smartphone displays. (see Mobile User Guide)
Time-Out Process
Upon 30 minutes of idle time, the system will display the message, “Your session will automatically terminate, and all unsaved entries will be lost if you do not click OK within 60 seconds” with an OK button. If “OK” is clicked within 60 seconds, then the user’s session continues. If “OK” is not clicked within
60 seconds, the user is logged out and re-directed to the log-on screen and any unsaved changes would be lost.
Users should terminate their session via the LOGOUT link on the My Profile menu or by “Xing” out of the web browser.
Test Version Denotation
To differentiate between the Test and Production versions of RAMP-UP, there are multiple places where users are notified that they are working in the
Test environment.
- Disclaimer Screen- “This is the test version of RAMP-UP” is displayed to inform users they are about to enter the Test site
- Navigation Menu- “THIS IS A TEST VERSION” is displayed every time the menu is expanded
- Left-side Menu Bar- “TEST VERSION" is displayed on the bottom of the sidebar on every page
Section 3. Password Recovery & Login Help
You can recover your password by clicking on Forgot Password on the login screen. Account Recovery popup screen is displayed with a security question. Security questions may be set up on your My Profile screen. Select the security question you set up for your account, enter the answer to the question, and click send.
Login Help
Clicking the Login Help button launches a help dialog that displays the following message, “Please contact your RMAG Leadership for help logging on if the self-service password reset does not work for you.”
Password Change Email Notification
An email notification is sent to the account on file with an automatically generated password. User can then log into the system and change the password from the My Profile screen.
Section 4. Application Layout
Launch Screen
Event Summary screen is the main landing screen in the application. However, based on user roles, the landing screen may be custom-defined.
Application MENU
The application offers a simple MENU navigation with role-based access. Click on the MENU icon on the sidebar, application MENU slides in. Once the navigation selection is made, the side navigation panel slides out of view maximizing the workspace.
Filters are displayed as a block available on the top of all RAMP-UP screens. Select a filter and the results are automatically updated in the grid.
There are two types of filters in RAMP-UP; dropdown and toggle. Dropdown filters allow you to select one value at a time from a pre-populated list. Event, RMAG, Company, and Calculation Run are all examples of dropdown filters.
Toggle filters allow you to view data based on a fixed criterion. View Type on the Allocation screen is a radio button and an example of a toggle filter. At any
given time, you can select only one option.
Reset Filters Allows you to clear all applied filters on a screen.
Note that the Calculation Run drop down is an important filter that needs to be set to load event-to-date data on Requests, Responses, Allocation, Matching, and Match Log screens.
Keyword Search
The text search functionality is useful to quickly find relevant data to work within a large data set. Simply enter text to look up in the blank search box provided and click the magnifying glass to run the search.
Side Panel
The side panel provides easy access to key application functions. Some options on the side panel are accessible from all screens.
Side panel shows additional options on each screen and provides key screen-related functionality.
Notifications Panel
The notification panel displays event-related notification list and all currently logged-in users. It is invoked from the side panel with the option to collapse and hide or keep it in view.
Data Grid
Each screen has been designed to show a large amount of data and allow in-cell editing.
Data grid has the following types of fields:
- Text and Numeric – you can click and type in the values.
- Drop Downs – these are pre-populated lists and you can pick only one value at a time.
- Multi-select dropdowns – these are pre-populated lists and you can pick more than one value at a time
- URL – these are hyperlinks that launch a popup such as Invite.
Pagination control at the bottom of each grid allows you to set the number of rows you want to display on your screen. Based on your laptop or monitor display you can select 10, 20 or 50 rows.
at the bottom right corner shows you the total number of rows displayed on the screen.
RAMP-UP is web-based application that displays real-time data. The refresh button allows you to periodically refresh your screen with the most current data.
Frequently Used Controls
RAMP-UP is a data-heavy application. Here are some tips to display data you can work with.
Undo, Copy/Paste and Delete
Use the action button group at the top right of all screens to Undo, Delete, and Save.
Summary Row
The summary row shows numeric totals in all columns across the top of the screen. This row is not clickable and cannot be edited. It updates the total automatically as you enter numeric values and save.
Add a Row
Clicking the +Add button inserts a new row at the top of the grid. This works in all screens where row addition represents a quantity increment, such as Event, Requests, Responses, Manage Companies, Manage Users and Manage User Roles.
Column sort
You can sort columns alphabetically or numerically, whichever is more helpful in getting you the right data. The columns can be sorted for both ascending and descending list views. Column sort is not retained on subsequent screen views.
Multi-Select Rows
You can select multiple rows in a data grid by holding down the control key on your keyboard or by clicking and dragging the mouse pointer.
Export to Excel
Screen data on all grid-based screens can be exported by authorized users to Microsoft Excel, allowing you to perform all Excel operations onto the grid
data outside of the application. To export, save all changes made in the screen and click Export to Excel from the side panel.
“RAMP-UP mutual assistance event data shall be treated as confidential” is displayed across the top of the first page of all exports.
Only users associated with company(s) whose status is EEI Member or EEI Member-no MA can use the export function.
Export to PDF
Screen data on all grid-based screens can be exported by authorized users to PDF, allowing you to email, print, and distribute data. To export, save all
changes made in the screen and click Export to PDF from the side panel.
“RAMP-UP mutual assistance event data shall be treated as confidential” is displayed across the top of the first page of all exports.
Only users associated with the company(s) whose status is EEI Member or EEI Member-no MA can use the export function.
Data Updates by Concurrent Users
RAMP-UP is a dynamic web application that refreshes data landing on a page, clicking refresh, and saving. If concurrent users are performing a transaction (add/edit) on the same record, the last user making the changes is shown a warning message.
Chapter 2. Administration
Manage Companies Screen
From the side panel, click on MENU and select Manage Companies. Authorized users have the ability to add new companies, modify existing company attributes by in-cell editing and, deactivate companies in this screen.
Section 1. Add and Activate a New Company
- To add a new company to the system, click Add Company.
A new row is inserted in the grid.
- Fill out the company name, the number of customers served, RMAGs, Home RMAG, EEI Status, Company phone, contact person, contact person’s email, and location, then check the Status to activate.
- Click Save.
A new company is created and activated in the system.
- EEI Member (denotes EEI members)
- EEI Member-no MA (denotes EEI members that have not signed the EEI Mutual Aid agreement
- Non-EEI Member (denotes an IOU non-EEI member and/or municipality or Co-op that has signed the EEI MA agreement)
- Non-EEI Member-no MA (denotes an IOU non-EEI member and/or municipality or Co-op that has not signed the EEI MA agreement)
- Blank (denotes unknown or uncategorized status)
Section 2. Deleting a Company from the System
You cannot delete a company from the system, but you are able to deactivate it by unchecking the status checkbox.
Section 3. Edit a Company
Authorized users can modify the company details in the system. To do this, first locate the company using the filter fields. The companies matching the search criteria will be displayed on the grid. You can click on the company you want to modify and make changes to the informational fields such as No. of customers, RMAGS, Home RMAG, EEI Status, Company phone, Primary contact name, Primary contact, Email, City, State, Zip and status using in-cell editing and dropdowns.
Manage RMAGs Screen
Authorized users are able to add and modify the RMAG information in the system. From the side panel, click on MENU and select Manage Companies.
Add RMAG is an option available on the Manage Companies screen on the side panel. Companies are associated with RMAGs in two ways. A company has a Home RMAG defined at the time company is added to the system. A company can be assigned to one or more RMAG.
Section 4. Add and Activate a New RMAG
- Click Add RMAG from the side panel.
- To add a new RMAG in the system, click Add RMAG.
A new row is inserted in the grid.
- Fill out the RMAG name and check "Status" to activate.
- Click Save.
A new company is created and activated in the system.
Manage Users Screen
Manage Users screen provides authorized users the ability to add new users, edit existing users by in-cell editing, and define access settings (User Role). From the side panel, click on the MENU icon, and then select Manage Users.
Section 5. Add a New User
- Click the + Add User
button to insert a new row at the top of the grid.
- Enter User Name, First Name, Last Name, User Role (select from drop-down), Company (Select from the pre-populated list), Email Address, Office Phone, Mobile/Texting Phone, Status (check to activate user)
- Click the Save
button to save the user.
Account Creation Email Notification
The user receives an account creation notification with login credentials and password.
Section 6. Edit User Information
Authorized users can update a user’s information using in-cell editing. A notification is automatically sent to the user with a profile update.
Profile Update Email Notification
The user receives an automated email containing information about account update
Section 7. Change User Password
Authorized users have the ability to reset user passwords. To do this, select the user from the grid and click Reset Password. The password is automatically reset which the user can change once logged into the system.
Password Change Email Notification
An email notification is sent to the account on file with an automatically generated password. Users can then log into the system and change the password from the My Profile screen.
My Profile Screen
My Profile screen is accessible to all users and provides the ability to change passwords and update security questions. From the side panel, click on the MENU icon, and then select My Profile. New users should be instructed to visit the My Profile screen and update all information when first logging into the
Section 8. Change your Personal Information, Password, and Security Question
- Use in-cell editing to change your personal information such as name, email, and contact information.
- To change your password, enter your current password and your new password and click Save.
To update your security question, select one from the dropdown list, enter an answer, and click Save.
Security question is a mandatory field when you reset your password from the login screen.
Manage User Roles Screen
To access the Manage User Roles screen, from the side panel, click MENU and select Manage User Roles.
Access to the system is controlled in multiple ways
- Ability to assign restricted roles
Edit permissions
- Global-no restrictions
- RMAG-can only edit within your RMAG
- Company-can only edit within your company
Screen access
- View Access
- Edit Access
• Special Functions
• Notifications
• Reports
Section 9. Add a New Role to the System
- To add a new role in the system, click + Add Role.
A new row is inserted in the grid.
- Fill out the role name, description, and check Status to activate. Click Save.
A new role is created.
- To assign permissions to the new role, click the View/Edit link for this role. The permissions screen is displayed
User Role Permissions
The user Role Permissions screen has a list of screen accessibility and features that you can check/uncheck to customize the role. You can grant permission to the user role in the RMAG event and NRE event.
Chapter 3. Managing Events
Manage Events Screen
The Manage Events screen is the main landing screen in the application.
From the side panel click on the MENU icon. Then select Manage Events.
The Manage Events screen allows you to:
- Start an event
- Edit an event
- Change event status
Section 1. Start an Event
- To start a new event, click +Add Event.
A new row is inserted at the top of the grid.
- Start by selecting Event start date and time (calendar picker), event type (select from dropdown), time zone (note that NRE automatically defaults to Eastern Time Zone), storm/emergency type, event description, storm/emergency name, add a short description, requested by RMAG (in an NRE event you are able to select multiple RMAGs), requested by companies and event status (Select from dropdown Open-Prestaging or Open-Restoration).
NOTE: Event Name is auto-generated once you save your event. -
Click the Save
button to save all changes. A new Event is created in the system.
You can use the Undo button to roll back any changes.
Event Creation Email Notification
When an event is created in the system, the following email is sent out to all users configured to receive the notification.
Section 2. Update an Event
Authorized users can modify or edit the event details and event status. These updates could be changes to event details, adding additional information
or simply updating the event status (Open – Pre-Staging and Open – Restoration)
- Select the event start date and time by double-clicking the field to launch the calendar tool. Then set the Event type to RMAG or NRE, select the RMAG’s time
zone (note that NRE automatically defaults to Eastern Time Zone), select Storm/Emergency type, add a brief description, and assign event status as
open – Pre-Staging. - Click the Save
button to save all changes. The event is updated.
Section 3. Merge Events
RMAG events may be rolled up to a single NRE event using the Merge feature on Manage Events screen (Note that a NRE event must exist in the system and all RMAG events that are being merged are closed).
PLEASE NOTE: Only Responses and Requests with a “Submitted” Status are merged into the new NRE Event.
- Use the filters on The Manage Events screen to filter all closed RMAG events.
- Select the RMAG events and click the Merge Events icon from the side panel. Merge Events popup is displayed.
- Select the events you want to merge and click Merge.
Events are merged, and their information is consolidated into one event.
When you log into the newly merged NRE event, you see consolidated unfulfilled requests and unused responses from the source events. All allocation calculations are blank.
PLEASE Note: Requests and Responses that come over from merged events will initially have a “Pending” Status in the NRE Event. These need to be reviewed and changed to a “Submitted” Status to be considered in the next calculation run.
Section 4. Invite an RMAG or a Company
RMAGs can invite any number of companies outside their RMAG to offer resources. Invited companies receive temporary access privileges for this particular event. Upon login, the users from these companies have view access to resource requests and allocation screen, and the ability to enter Responses.
- Click the Invite
URL in the Event Summary grid to launch the Invite Companies screen.
- You can now select an RMAG and click checkboxes to invite associated companies you want to invite.
- Then click the Invite
button to invite the RMAGs/companies.
Section 5. Close an Event
All events can be closed by authorized users by changing the event status to Closed on the Manage Event screen. Use In-cell editing to set event status to close and provide closing comments.
- Use filters to locate the event on the grid. Scroll and click on the Status drop-down in the event grid. Select Closed.
- Enter mandatory Event Close Comments.
- Click the Save
button to save all changes. The event is closed.
Events with no activity for more than 30 days will be automatically changed to a closed status and a notification will be displayed in the Notification Window. 30 days after an event is closed, it is permanently deleted from the system.
Re-Activate Closed Events
Authorized users can change a “Closed” status back to “Open Pre-Staging” or “Open Restoration” which would allow additional editing of the event. Authorized users can change a “Closed” status to “Reporting Only” which would allow read-only views (no ability to edit).
Chapter 4. Entering Requests and Responses
Requests Screen
The Requests screen allows you to add, edit, and delete requests using in-cell editing. Once an event is initiated in the system, all associated companies and RMAG associated with the event, receive automated notifications. The companies can now begin entering resource requests and responses.
From the side panel, click on the MENU icon and click Requests.
Initiate a Request
Each company can enter one request.
- Select an event from the drop-down filter. You are only able to see events that your RMAG is associated with.
- Click the +Add Request button
and a new row is added at the top of the requests grid.
- Select your company from the drop-down. Company information such as Contact Name, Email, City, State, and Phone number is auto-populated in the grid from your company profile. Company automatically defaults to your home RMAG for an NRE Event.
- Use in-cell editing to enter the outage details such as customer outage numbers and cases of trouble. Then add resource details such as resource type and non-native FTEs on hand with counts for each resource type such as Distribution, Transmission, Damage assessment, Tree, Substation, and Net UG. Set status to Submitted.
- Click the Save button
to submit your request.
NOTE: Request status must be marked as Submitted for inclusion in the next calculation run. Each company can only enter one request. Undo allows you to roll back any unwanted changes as you update the grid.
Section 6. Edit and Delete Requests
Since one company may add only one request, if you are updating request counts, you will edit the existing request added by your company. To edit a request, click on the resource type fields you want to change, enter the counts, and click Save. Once the calculation is run, the requests for that iteration are updated to an Allocated Status and become non-editable.
Click Delete at the top right of the grid to delete your company’s request. A request can be deleted only if the status is Pending or Submitted.
Responses Screen
Authorized users from a responding company can submit responses and hold for resource types. This screen has role-based access and the authorized user will only be able to see events with which their company is associated. Manage Responses screen displays the responses submitted by different
companies in an event. Each grid row shows a response from participating companies.
From the side panel, click on the MENU icon and click Responses.
Section 7. Add a Response or Hold
- Select the event you want to respond to.
- Click + Add Response
to add an empty row in the grid.
- Select the Responding Company name from the dropdown. Company details such as Contact Name, Email, City, State, and Phone number are automatically populated but can be edited. Enter the Resource response by entering counts for resource type Distribution, Transmission, Damage Assessment, Tree,
Substation, Net UG, Others, and Description, Company/Non-company resources, release to roll date (works for Response only, Not accessible for Hold). Lasted Updated by, Date and Time are automatically populated. - Note that when entering Holds, the Expected Release Date and Reason for Hold must be filled out and Release to Roll is non-editable.
- Click Save
to submit the response or hold.
- The process for adding contractor responses is the same. Select Off-System resources and add the name of the Contractor company.
- Although the response may be entered with multiple resource types, it is recommended that responses be entered per row for each resource type to make data entry and manipulation easier.
- Requests and Responses screens are automatically updated after the calculation is run and Begin Matching is clicked. The status of all submitted requests is changed to "Allocated." Calculation Run Date/Time is updated to the time “Begin Matching” was clicked and all records with Allocated
status is locked. - For both Responses and Holds, set the status to Submitted. Submitted Responses and Holds are eligible to be included in the allocation calculations.
- Click Undo
to roll back any changes while working in the grid.
- You may delete a Response or Hold if the status is Pending or Submitted. Click Delete
at the top right of the grid.
Convert a Hold to a Response
On the Responses screen, locate the hold that you want to change to response. Set the status to response and enter the ‘release to roll’ date.
Section 8. Manage Pre-Loaded Responses
Pre-Loaded Responses can be maintained to speed up the process of entering responses.
- Navigate to the Resource Management>Pre-Loaded Resources Screen.
- Click “Add Pre-Loaded Response” to add an empty row to the grid.
- Select Responding Company name from the dropdown. Company details such as Contact Name, Email, City, State, and Phone number are automatically populated but can be edited. Enter the Resource response by entering counts for resource type Distribution, Transmission,
Damage Assessment, Tree, Substation, Net UG, Others, and Description, Company/Non-company resources. Lasted Updated by, Date and Time, and Event are automatically populated. - Click Save
to save the record
To submit a Pre-Loaded Response to an Event
- Select a single or multiple Pre-Loaded Responses using Ctrl/Shift keys
- Click the “Submit Responses” button on the left panel.
- Select the Event from the drop-down and click “Save”
Several updates automatically occur upon submitting pre-loaded responses. First, the highlighted Pre-Loaded Responses are added to the selected event with a Submitted status (Note: visit the Responses screen if any fields need to be edited, i.e. Resource Counts, RMAG, Release to Roll, etc.). After a Pre-Loaded Response is submitted to an event, the Last Update By, Last Updated Date/Time, and Event fields are updated.
Section 9. Map View
Resource Map view is a graphical representation of requests, responses, and holds by resource category. The map is loaded based on the city and state
fields provided. From the side panel, click on the MENU icon, and then select Map View.
Map View Filters:
- Event
- Calculation Run
- Status
The Request, response, and holds are color-coded. Click on the map pin to show a pop-up with details including response/request/hold, resource types, and counts. The red lines represent a response being matched to a request. Clicking on the red line turns it green and displays a pop-up with details.
Zoom In/Out bar and Navigation button are provided.
Chapter 5. Allocation & Matching
Allocation Screen
The Resource Allocation process is initiated by authorized users after Requests and Responses are entered.
From the side panel, click on the MENU icon and select Allocation.
Two types of calculation can be run on this screen:
- Pre-staging calculation.
- Restoration calculation, a calculation done during an event.
Section 1. Run a Pre-Staging Calculation
A pre-staging allocation is performed in advance of event outage impact; therefore, outages and cases are not factored into the calculations. The authorized users can run calculations multiple times in an event. The system keeps the date, time, and user record of all calculations run and matches performed in an event.
- Select an event from the list.
- The RMAG or Company mode radio button determines whether the display is set at the RMAG or Company level. Note that the RMAG option is only
applicable for NRE Events. -
Click the
icon to run a pre-staging calculation.
You can click the Export to PDF or Export to Excel to save all projections to analyze offline.
Section 2. Run a Restoration Calculation
Once the event has started and requests are populated with outages and cases, you can run the restoration allocation calculation. To do this first select the event and update the Adjusted Customer Out Variable. Adjusted Customer Out variable is only used in restoration calculation, defaults to .6 and
allows you to test run several allocation runs to find the best utilization of resources.
- Select an event from the list. Enter the Adjusted Customer Out Variable which defaults to 0.6 but the value can be adjusted to generate various projections for resource allocation. You can change the value and click the recalculate button.
- Click the
Restoration Calculation icon from the side panel to run an Allocation calculation. The Allocation screen grid is updated with the calculation results.
Once a restoration allocation is initiated, only resource requests and responses with submitted status are used in the calculation. Any pending entries at the time of the initiation of the allocation are not considered.
Once the Allocation calculation is done, Click Begin Matching.
Note: if a negative equitable share value is calculated for an individual resource type, the following rules are applied:
When running a Pre-Staging Calculation:
If the “Equitable Share Based on Total Available Resources” calculates a value less than zero for a single or multiple requestor, then set those values to zero and modify the “Equitable Share Based on Total Available Resources” for requestors with positive values by proportionally allocating the sum of the
negative values. This calculation is to be performed independently for each resource type.
When running a Restoration Calculation:
If the “Equitable Share of Total Available Resources Less Resources Acquired” calculates a value less than zero for a single or multiple requestor, then set those values to zero and modify the “Equitable Share of Total Available Resources Less Resources Acquired” for requestors with positive values by proportionally allocating the sum of the negative values. This calculation is to be performed independently for each resource type.
Note: If a company submits 0 Requests for a specific resource type, then divide their Equitable Share among the other companies who do not have 0 resources requested according to their adjusted need.
Begin Matching
Begin matching marks the completion of the restoration allocation calculation and takes you to the Matching screen where you can begin to match requested resources and responses.
Matching Screen
The Matching screen is designed to support resource matching for both RMAG and NRE events. The Matching screen has a simple layout with filters at the top, and two side-by-side grids for Companies/RMAGs Requesting Resources and Companies Offering Resources. From the side panel, click on the MENU icon and select Matching.
The matching screen is invoked from the main menu and consists of the filters and two grids. The filters are at the top of the page and they let you select the event, match type, and the calculation run in which matching is being performed. The matching screen has two side-by-side grids. Companies and RMAGs Requesting Resources are shown in the left grid and Companies Offering Resources are shown in the right grid. In an NRE event, the Match Type filter is set to RMAG and the request grid displays all RMAGs with consolidated resources requested. Then at the next stage (Allocation Complete), the Match Type filter is set to Company and the request grid displays resources requested at the company level.
Section 3. Perform Matching in an RMAG Event
In an RMAG event, the Request grid displays companies requesting resources. The Response grid shows all responses from all companies. During an RMAG event, company-level responses are matched to company-level requests. To perform a company-to-company match as in an RMAG event, first
select the event and the calculation run.
- Select an event from the list.
- Select the calculation run.
- Select a company requesting resources from the left grid by clicking on the rows.
- Select single or multiple companies offering resources from the right grid by clicking on the rows (using Ctrl or Shift allows multiple selections).
- Click the Match icon and the Match popup is displayed.
The matching popup allows you to manually match resource requests and responses by entering counts. The Requested and equitable share values from the selected company are preloaded in the Requests row with the company name. The available response values from the selected responding companies are preloaded in the Response row. You can manually enter the number of resources you want to match for each resource type. Or you can simply use the “Select All” checkbox which automatically populates the Match value equal to the Available value for all resource types containing positive values in the row. Once done, click save to go back to the Matching screen.
After the match is saved, Response counts are updated and highlighted in green. On the Requests side, request counts and non-native acquired are updated.
What effect does Matching have on Requests and Responses screens
For each match, the Request grid now shows (Request – Match). Acquire columns on the Requesting Company grid now show (Acquired + Match) and the Response grid now shows (Response – Match).
6. Once you are done with all matches in this calculation run, click on “Matching Complete” icon on the side bar. This commits all matches in this allocation run and sends out an automated notification to all individuals associated with the event through their RMAG or by invitation. Once the matching is complete, all the allocated requests and responses used for that calculation run are updated to Pending status.
7. Click the Match Complete icon to finish matching for the current allocation run.
Automated Email Containing Requesting and Responding States
Upon clicking the “Match Complete” a dialog box is displayed that contains the ability to send an email with state information.
- The Event name and Calculation Run date time are auto populated
- Email addresses for All Hazards Consortium and EEI are prepopulated
- Users can enter additional CC email addresses
- Comments and editing of the Requesting/Responding States takes place in the “Comments” section
- One table of Requesting/Responding States per Resource Type is displayed
- Press “Send” to send the email or “Cancel” to not send the email
Note: The user who clicks “Match Complete” is the one responsible for sending the email. If the email is not sent, an exported PDF of the Map can be manually generated and emailed.
Can Matches be Rolled back?
You can undo or roll back matches using the Undo button before Matching Complete is clicked. After Matching Complete is clicked, recall or release functionality is available.
Section 4. Perform Matches in an NRE Event
RMAG to Company Matching
The matching process for an NRE event is performed in two stages. In the first stage, responding companies are matched to requesting RMAGS, and in the second stage, companies are matched with requesting companies using the same process as an RMAG event matching.
During an NRE Event, company-level responses are first allocated to a requesting RMAG and then matched to the requesting company. Once RMAG level match is complete user must click the Allocation Complete button to proceed. Company-level responses are then matched to company-level requests. You
must click the Matching Complete button to begin running the next set of allocation calculations.
- To perform an RMAG level match, first select the event and the calculation run.
Remember that the filters at the top of the Matching screen let you select the event, match type, and the calculation run in which matching is being performed. In the first stage of an NRE event, the Match Type filter is set to RMAG and the request grid displays all RMAGs with consolidated resources requested. Then at the next stage, the Match Type filter is set to Company and the request grid displays resources requested at the company level. - Now select RMAGs requesting resources from the left grid by clicking on the rows.
- Then select a single or multiple companies offering resources from the right grid by clicking on the rows
- Click the Match icon and the Match popup is displayed. The Matching popup allows you to manually match resource requests and responses by entering counts. The Requests and equitable share values from the selected company are preloaded in the Requests row with the company name. The available response values from the selected responding companies are preloaded in the Response row.
- You can manually enter the number of resources you want to match for each resource type. Or you can simply use the “Select All” checkbox which automatically populates the Match value equal to the Available value for all resource types containing positive values in the row.
- Once done, click save to go back to the Matching screen.
- To perform an RMAG level match, first select the event and the calculation run.
Once you are done with all RMAG to company matches, click Allocation Complete to move on to Company Level matching.
Company-to-Company Matching
During a Company level matching, company-level responses are matched to company-level requests. Note that now Match Type is automatically selected as Company.
- Select a single Requesting Companies from the left grid by clicking on the row headers.
- Select a single or multiple Responding companies offering resources from the right grid.
- Click the Match icon and the Match popup is displayed.
- The Requests and equitable share values from the selected company are preloaded in the Requests row with the company name. The available response values from the selected responding companies are preloaded in the Response row. You can manually enter the number
of resources you want to match for each resource type. Or you can simply use the “Select All” checkbox which automatically populates the Match value equal to the Available value for all resource types containing positive values in the row. Once every response row is updated,
click the OK button, and the numbers are updated. - Once done, click save to go back to the Matching screen.
Matching Complete
Once the Matching Complete is marked, Requests and Responses are updated. On the Requests screen, a new row for each company’s request is inserted with the status marked Pending. The delta of unfulfilled requests is calculated and populated, and the value for non-native acquired is updated to reflect matched counts. Customer Outages, Cases of Trouble, Latest Target Arrival Date/Time are blanked out. In order to update your request for the next calculation run, you need to verify/edit the request numbers, enter updated outage and case numbers, update the arrival date/time, and set the status to Submitted.
On the Responses screens a new row for each company is inserted and unused responses are populated with the status marked as pending. The companies can now log into the system, update their responses, and mark the status as Submitted for the responses to be included in the next allocation
Matching Complete Email Notification
All users associated with the event through their RMAG including those who were invited receive this notification.
Section 5. Roll Back Matches
The Match Log screen is accessible through the MENU and Allocation screen. It shows all matches performed so far with date and time stamps. It also provides the ability to undo or roll back matches. To view all transactions in an event, select the event from the filter. In addition, you may select RMAG,
Company and Resource type to drill down and locate matches.
- To undo or roll back a match, use the filters to locate the transaction row.
- Click on the row header to select it.
- Then click the undo button.
Note: you cannot roll back a match (using the Undo button) once the matching is complete.
Release and Recall
Match Log screen provides authorized users the ability to release or recall matched resources. Note that release and recall functionality is only available after Matching Complete has been checked for the target Calculation Run. These operations may only be performed on company-to-company matches that have not been previously recalled or released. Recalled resources are not placed back into the pool of available resources. Released resources are placed back into the pool of available resources.
Section 6. Release Resources
- To perform a Release operation, select the company match row from the grid.
- From the side panel, click the Release icon. Release Resources popup is displayed.
- Enter the resource counts for each resource type you want to release.
- Enter a reason for release and comments.
- Click Save when done. The selected resources will be released. Releasing resources has several effects on resource counts in the system.
What happens on the Requests screen when resources are released
If an associated Request exists in the system with a “Pending” status,
- Released resource counts are added to the Requested value
- Released counts are subtracted from the Non-native Acquired value
- The date/time of the release is updated and the username is saved
If an associated Request does not exist in the system with a “Pending” status, then no changes are made to counts.
What happens on the Responses screen when resources are released
If an associated Response exists in the system with a “Pending” status,
- Released counts are added to the Response Value
- Date/time of the release is updated and the username is saved
If an associated Response does not exist in the system with a “Pending” status, then no changes are made to counts.
Section 7. Recall Resources
- To perform a Recall operation, select the company match row from the grid.
- From the side panel, click the Recall icon. Recall the Resources popup is displayed.
- Enter the resource counts for each resource type you want to recall.
- Enter a reason for recall and comments.
- Click Save
when done. The selected resources will be recalled. Recalling resources has several effects on resource counts in the system
What happens on the Requests screen when resources are recalled
If an associated Request exists in the system with a “Pending” status,
- Recalled resource counts are added to the Requested value
- Recalled counts are subtracted from the Non-native Acquired value
- Date/time of the release is updated and the username is saved
If an associated Request does not exist in the system with a “Pending” status, then no changes are made to counts.
What happens on the Responses screen when resources are recalled
Recall has no impact on response resource counts (because recalled resources do not go back into the pool of available resources).
Section 8. Bulk Release/Recall Functionality
Bulk Release/Recall functionality allows the user to select multiple rows in the match log to perform a single Release/Recall transaction.
- Use the Ctrl and Shift keys to multi-select
- Click the Release or Recall icons in the left panel
- This launches the “Bulk Release/Recall Resources” window
- Display aggregate Original Match totals per Resource Type
- Select Reason from the dropdown list
- Enter comments
- Save
Only matches that have not been previously Released/Recalled can be selected. The full totals displayed in the “Original Match” column will be Released/Recalled (there in not the ability to enter a lower “Release/Recall Quantity” when using the bulk feature).
Section 9. Updating Company Contact Information on the Match Log
Since the responding company contact information can change after matching occurs, authorized users can edit the Match Log to include up-to-date contact information.
- Edit ability based on Response permissions (i.e. if a user can edit responses for a specific company, they are granted access to edit the Match Log for that company, assuming they have access to the Match Log screen)
- In the Responding Company section of the Match Log, the “Responding Company” name is a clickable link, this launches a dialog box
The dialog box contains the following information pre-loaded and the ability to edit
- Responding Company (not editable)
- Company Name (required)
- Contact Name (required)
- Contact Email
- Company Phone
- Release to Roll
- Home City
- Home State
- “Save Button” to save the edits
- Upon saving, the new information will be displayed in the Match Log
- Two new columns in the Responding Company section of the Match Log, “Edited By” and “Edited Date/Time” will display which user made the edits and the date/time
Automated Email
Upon saving the edits, an automated email is sent to the Requesting Company’s “Contact Email” address. This email contains:
- To Address: (Requesting Company Contact Email)
- CC: (Email address of user making edit)
- Subject: RAMP-UP Responding Contact information Change
Email Body:
- Event Name
- Calculation Run Date/Time
- FTE’s/Resource Type
- Edited By (Name, email, date/time)
- Previous Information
- New Information
Chapter 6. Notifications and Reports
Section 1. Schedule a Meeting
A scheduled meeting is a manually triggered notification used to notify selected users of a Conference Call. This screen is a simple message form with the ability to select recipients, meeting details, and an accompanying message.
- To schedule a meeting, first select an event.
- Select RMAGs (Associated RMAGs in the selected event are prepopulated in the dropdown). Then select the companies (Associated companies in the selected RMAGs are prepopulated in the drop-down list). Associated Email address will automatically populate when you select the required company. Enter the Conference call/ access code.
- Select the purpose of the call (select from the drop-down list) and the date/time of the call.
- The delivery method is set to email. Enter a subject for the call and message.
Click the Send
button to complete the Task Steps
Section 2. System Generated Notifications
The application sends out automatic notifications to users based on their role in the system. These can be turned on/off from the User Role Permissions Screen. This includes setting up the ability to send custom emails using the Communication Scheduler as well as the ability to receive the following email
- Event Creation
- Calculated Allocation Completed
- Calculation Run
- User Profiles/Credentials Change
Preformatted Reports
Section 3. Outage Numbers Report
Outage number report shows customer outage numbers in snapshot and event-to-date formats to Authorized Users. To run the outage numbers report in snapshot mode, select the event, the RMAG, the company, and the available system snapshot from the dropdown. Note that the report defaults to the Event to Date mode and shows event-to-date totals.
This report shows the total counts of customers with outages based on Requesting Company input per event. Details include Total customers experiencing outages by company, and by RMAG. % of customers experiencing outages vs. total customers by company and by RMAG.
The summary row is provided at the top of the grid and shows rolled-up totals for customers, cases, and calculated percentages.
Section 4. Outage Cases Report
The Outage cases report shows the number of outage cases by all Companies requesting resources. The report defaults to Event to Date mode. Authorized users may select available system snapshots from the dropdown to run reports in Snap Shot mode. This report shows the percentage of customers out by
Company and percentage of Resources allocated from the total resources made available.
Section 5. Resource Report
Resource report shows the total number of resources requested and acquired by the Requesting Company per event as well as resources obtained. Authorized Users can select available system snapshots from the dropdown to run reports in Snap Shot mode. The report defaults to Event to Date mode. Details include Total resources requested and obtained by Requesting Company, by RMAG. A Breakdown of resources obtained by each requesting company, by responding/providing company. Percentage of resources requested vs. obtained by company, by RMAG, and Total resources made available
by Responding Companies, and by resource type.
The summary row is provided at the top of the grid to show rolling totals.
Leadership Reports
Section 6. RMAG/NMART Report
The RMAG/NMART Report shows Requests, Response and outage/trouble summaries down to the company level organized by RMAG with total and Grand Totals. The filters for this report include:
- Radial button report selector (RMAG/NMART, NREC, CEO, External, RMAG Stack Chart)
- Event filter
- Calculation Run (including “All” option) filter
- Resource Type checkboxes
There are two distinct views of the RMAG/NMART report. When a single Calculation run is selected, displayed sections include; Requests, Responses, Responses minus Requests, and an outage chart.
When “All” Calculation runs are selected, a cumulative summary grouped and labeled by Calculation Run is displayed. This tabbed screen includes sections; Requests (including Cumulative Allocated FTE’s Totals), Responses, Responses minus Requests, and outage charts.
The Request Grid contains:
Cumulative Allocated FTE’s Totals (only displayed when “All” Calculation Runs are selected)
- By RMAG and Grand Total (displays cumulative totals across all calculation runs)
Calculation Run
- Date/Time
- Company Name
- Cases of Trouble (from submitted Request)
- # of Customers (from company record)
- Customer Outages (from submitted Request)
- % Out (calculated by dividing Customers Out by Number of Customers)
- Count (number of Requests)
- By Resource Type (from submitted Requests)
Allocated FTE’S
- By Resource Type (values from the Matched Resources (company-to-company) section of the Match Log that correspond with the associated Calculation Run)
Released/Recalled FTE’s
- By Resource Type (include values from the Match Log)
Unfulfilled Requests
- By Resource Type (values calculated by subtracting allocated from requests for the selected Calculation Run)
Non-Native Acquired FTE’s
- By Resource Type (include “Non-Native Acquired FTEs” values from request entries with an Allocated status for the associated Calculation Run)
Total Acquired Resources
- By Resource Type (values calculated by the sum of Allocated FTEs and Non-Native Acquired FTEs)
- By Resource Type (values calculated by the sum of Allocated FTEs and Non-Native Acquired FTEs)
The Response Grid Contains:
Calculation Run
- Date/Time
- Company Name
- Count (number of Responses)
- By Resource Type (from Submitted Responses)
FTE’s On-Hold
- Count (number of On-Hold Responses)
- By Resource Type (from Submitted Responses)
The Response minus Requests Grid Contains:
- Grand Total (values calculated by subtracting Requests from Responses per Resource Type for the associated Calculation Run)
- Bar chart displaying the Total Customers, Customers Out, and Percentage for companies submitting Requests
Section 7. NREC Report
The NREC Report shows Requests, Responses, and outage/trouble summaries organized by RMAG with grand totals. The filters for this report include:
- Radial button report selector (RMAG/NMART, NREC, CEO, External, RMAG Stack Chart)
- Event filter
- Calculation Run (including “All” option) filter
- Resource Type checkboxes
There are two distinct views of the NREC report. When a single Calculation run is selected, displayed sections include; Requests, Responses, Responses minus Requests, and Requests versus Allocation charts by Resource Type.
When “All” Calculation runs are selected, a cumulative summary grouped and labeled by Calculation Run is displayed. This tabbed screen includes sections; Requests (including Cumulative Allocated FTE’s Totals), Responses, Responses minus Requests, and Requests versus Allocation charts by RMAG per Calculation Run.
The Request Grid contains:
Cumulative Allocated FTE’s Totals (only displayed when “All” Calculation Runs are selected)
- By RMAG and Grand Total (displays cumulative totals across all calculation runs)
Calculation Run
- Date/Time
- RMAG Totals
- Cases of Trouble (from submitted Requests)
- # of Customers (from company records)
- Customer Outages (from submitted Requests
- % Out (calculated by dividing Customers Out by Number of Customers)
- Count (number of Requests)
- By Resource Type (from submitted Requests)
Allocated FTE’S
- By Resource Type (values from the Matched Resources (company-to-company) section of the Match Log that correspond with the associated Calculation Run)
- Released/Recalled FTE’s
- By Resource Type (include values from the Match Log)
- Unfulfilled Requests
- By Resource Type (values calculated by subtracting allocated from requests for the selected Calculation Run)
- Non-Native Acquired FTE’s
- By Resource Type (include “Non-Native Acquired FTEs” values from request entries with an Allocated status for the associated Calculation Run)
- Total Acquired Resources
- By Resource Type (values calculated by the sum of Allocated FTEs and Non-Native Acquired FTEs)
The Response Grid Contains:
Calculation Run
- Date/Time
- RMAG Totals
- Count (number of Responses)
- By Resource Type (from Submitted Responses)
FTE’s On-Hold
- Count (number of On-Hold Responses)
- By Resource Type (from Submitted Responses)
The Response minus Requests Grid Contains:
- Grand Total (values calculated by subtracting Requests from Responses per Resource Type for the associated Calculation Run)
- (Single Calculation Run) Bar charts displaying Requested versus Allocated for each Resource Type
- (All Calculation Runs) Bar chart displaying Requested versus Allocated for each Resource Type per Calculation Run
Section 8. CEO Report
The CEO Report shows Requests, Responses, and outage/trouble summaries organized by RMAG with grand totals.
The filters for this report include:
- Radial button report selector (RMAG/NMART, NREC, CEO, External, RMAG Stack Chart)
- Event filter
- Calculation Run (including “All” option) filter
- Resource Type checkboxes
There are two distinct views for the CEO report. When a single Calculation run is selected, displayed sections include; Requests, Responses, and Total Requests versus Allocation charts by Resource Type.
When “All” Calculation runs are selected, a cumulative summary grouped and labeled by Calculation Run is displayed. This tabbed screen includes sections; Requests (including Cumulative Allocated FTE’s Totals), Responses, and Requests versus Allocation charts by Resource Type per Calculation Run.
The Request Grid contains:
Cumulative Allocated FTE’s Totals (only displayed when “All” Calculation Runs are selected)
- By RMAG and Grand Total (displays cumulative totals across all calculation runs)
Calculation Run
- Date/Time
- RMAG Totals
- Cases of Trouble (from submitted Requests)
- # of Customers (from company records)
- Customer Outages (from submitted Requests)
- % Out (calculated by dividing Customers Out by Number of Customers)
- Count (number of Requests)
- By Resource Type (from submitted Requests)
Allocated FTE’S
- By Resource Type (values from the Matched Resources (company-to-company) section of the Match Log that correspond with the associated Calculation Run)
Released/Recalled FTE’s
- By Resource Type (include values from the Match Log)
Unfulfilled Requests
- By Resource Type (values calculated by subtracting allocated from requests for the selected Calculation Run)
Non-Native Acquired FTE’s
- By Resource Type (include “Non-Native Acquired FTEs” values from request entries with an Allocated status for the associated Calculation Run)
Total Acquired Resources
- By Resource Type (values calculated by the sum of Allocated FTEs and Non-Native Acquired FTEs)
The Response Grid Contains:
Calculation Run
- Date/Time
- RMAG Totals
- Count (number of Responses)
- By Resource Type (from Submitted Responses)
FTE’s On-Hold
- Count (number of On-Hold Responses)
- By Resource Type (from Submitted Responses)
- (Single Calculation Run) Bar charts displaying Requested versus Allocated for each Resource Type
- (All Calculation Runs) Bar chart displaying Requested versus Allocated for each Resource Type per Calculation Run
Section 9. External Report
The External Report summarizes Requests and Responses minus Requests at the grand totals level. The filters for this report include:
- Radial button report selector (RMAG/NMART, NREC, CEO, External, RMAG Stack Chart)
- Event filter
- Calculation Run (including “All” option) filter
- Resource Type checkboxes
There are two distinct views of the External report. When a single Calculation run is selected, displayed sections include Requests and Responses minus Requests.
When “All” Calculation runs are selected, a cumulative summary grouped and labeled by Calculation Run is displayed. This tabbed screen includes sections for Requests and Responses minus Requests.
The Request Grid contains:
Calculation Run
- Date/Time
- Trouble
Grand Totals
- # of Customers (from company records)
- Customer Outages (from submitted Requests)
- % Out (calculated by dividing Customers Out by Number of Customers)
- Count (number of Requests)
- By Resource Type (from submitted Requests)
The Response minus Requests Grid Contains:
- Grand Total (values calculated by subtracting Requests from Responses per Resource Type for the associated Calculation Run)
Section 10. RMAG Stack Chart
The RMAG Stack Chart Report shows Requesting RMAGS against Responding RMAGS with totals by resource type. The filters for this report include:
- Radial button report selector (RMAG/NMART, NREC, CEO, External, RMAG Stack Chart)
- Event filter
- Calculation Run (including “All” option) filter
- Resource Type checkboxes (defaults to Distribution and Tree)
There are two distinct views for the RMAG Stack chart report. When a single Calculation run is selected, the display includes; Requesting RMAGS values, Responding RMAGS values, and Total Allocated Resource values by resource type with totals.
When “All” Calculation runs are selected, a cumulative summary Requesting RMAGS, Responding RMAG values, and Total Allocated Resource values by resource type with totals. (note that cumulative Request values are not calculated or displayed)
The Request Grid contains:
- Calculation Run Date/Time or Cumulative View
- Resource Type
Requesting RMAG Names
- Values (for single calculation run)
Responding RMAG Names
- Values
- Total Allocated Resources
- Totals
Chart Examples:
Single Calculation Run:
All Calculation Runs:
Note that cumulative totals for requests are not calculated or displayed
Section 11. Dashboard Filters and Options
The Dashboard Report aggregates data at the RMAG level. There is both a Dashboard Table and a Map view. Dashboards contain a special property that allows multiple events to be selected.
Main Menu>Reports>Dashboard
The filters for the Dashboard include:
- Event (multi-select) filter
- Calculation Run filter (allows for All or individual calculation run selection)
- Resource Type (radio button defaults to Distribution)
- Radio buttons to select Dashboard Table (default) or Map View
Action Buttons:
- Reset Filters
- Export to Excel
- Export to PDF
Section 12. Dashboard Table
There are two distinct views for the Dashboard Table depending on whether “ALL” Calculation Runs or individual Calculation Runs are selected.
When “All” Calculation runs are selected:
Grid Header (one grid for each selected event):
- Event Name
- Event Type
- Calculation Run Date/Time
Grid body:
- List all RMAGs with Requests/Responses for selected events
Requesting Companies
- Count of companies that have entered requests with values greater than 0 (cumulative total across all calculation runs)
Impacted Companies
- Count of companies that have entered requests with values greater than or equal to 0 for the selected resource type (cumulative total across all calculation runs)
- Values of resources allocated across all calculation runs (from Match Log)
Requesting Companies
Submitted Companies
- Count of companies that have submitted responses (cumulative total across all calculation runs)
Allocated Companies
- Count of companies that submitted responses that have been matched (cumulative total across all calculation runs)
- Count of companies that submitted responses that have been matched (cumulative total across all calculation runs)
Submitted Companies
Sample Dashboard Table for “All” Calculation Runs
When individual Calculation runs are selected:
Header Labels and Data:
- Resource Type
- Report Run Date/Time
Grand Totals
- Allocated Requests
- Released
- Total Responses
Grid Header (one grid for each selected event):
- Event Name
- Event Type
- Allocation Type-Calculation Run Date/Time
Grid body:
- List all RMAGs with Requests/Responses for selected events
Requesting Companies
- Count of companies that have entered requests with values greater than 0
Impacted Companies
- Count of companies that have entered requests with values greater than or equal to 0 for the selected resource type
Outages (display Calculation Run date/time within label)
- From submitted requests
Cases (display Calculation Run date/time within label)
- From submitted requests
- From submitted requests
Submitted Requests-FTE
- Values from submitted requests
- Values from submitted requests
Non-Native Acquired-FTE
- From submitted requests
- From submitted requests
- Values of resources allocated during the selected calculation run (from Match Log)
- Values of resources allocated during the selected calculation run (from Match Log)
(Shortfall)/Surplus FTE
- Allocated minus Requests (display with “-“ sign if negative)
- Allocated minus Requests (display with “-“ sign if negative)
Total Acquired-FTE
- Non-Native plus Allocated
- Non-Native plus Allocated
Requesting Companies
Submitted Companies
- Count of unique companies that have submitted responses
- Count of unique companies that have submitted responses
Allocated Companies
- Count of unique companies that submitted responses that have been matched
- Count of unique companies that submitted responses that have been matched
- Total of resources that have been previously released (applied against the Calc Run)
Total Response-FTE
- Values of submitted Responses
- Values of submitted Responses
- Values of submitted On-Hold (applied against Calc Run)
Submitted Companies
Sample Dashboard Table for “Individual” Calculation Runs
Section 13. Map View
When the Map View radio button is selected, the view is changed from a grid to a map view. Map View utilizes the same filters as Dashboard Tables.
Note: The export to Excel does not apply to Map View.
Header Labels and Data (individual map is displayed for each selected event):
- Event Name
- Event Type
- Calculation Run Date/Time
- Requesting/Responding State Table
Note: If multiple events and All Calculation Runs are selected, then a Consolidated Map that combines requesting/responding states from all events will be displayed at the top of the page
Map Key
- Requests in red
- Responses in blue
- States with both requests and responses in purple
Example of Map View
Example of Map View (Consolidated)
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