The Callout Audit Report allows users to quickly see the high-level details of a callout including sub-callouts, start time of the callout, time of the last accept, how long it took the callout to fill, number of employees requested from each sub-callout and the number of positions filled.
See here for a definition of the columns in this report.
Callout ID: The ID for the callout.
- Type: The type of callout.
Reason: The current callout reason.
Eff. Date/Time: The Effective Date/Time, also known as the work start time.
Created by: The name of the operator/dispatcher who created the callout.
Division: The level 3 location of the callout.
- OpCenter: The location callout was created in.
Description: The description of the callout that was entered on the Create Callout page when the callout was initiated.
Ticket #: The ticket number the operator/dispatcher entered on the callout when it was created.
Roster List: The list of rosters selected for each sub-callout.
Callout Start: The time the operator/dispatcher clicked the initiate button, and ARCOS started making calls.
Last Accept: The time the last accepted response was recorded.
Duration (HH:MM): The time between the start of the callout and the time of the last acceptance.
Note: This time does not include the time between attempts. E.g. Attempt 1: duration 12 minutes (from first call (14:30) to last call (14:42)). Then callout is resubmitted after 30 minutes. Attempt 2: duration 10 minutes (from first call (15:42) to last call 15:52)). The duration for the callout is 22 minutes.
#Req: The total number of employees requested for the callout.
#Filled: Number of positions that were filled. (Number of employees who accepted.)
Note: This report only displays closed callouts.
To Generate a Rollup Report
Click the Callout Detail button on the Reports tab. The Callout Detail Reports selection screen displays.
Click the Callout Audit button. The Callout Audit Report selector displays.
Select a Parent Company, Business Unit, Division, and OpCenter location from their respective dropdown lists.
Note: You can click and drag or <Ctrl> + click to select multiple Parent Companies, Business Units, Divisions, or OpCenters.
Select a start date from the Start Date dropdown.
Select an end date from the End Date dropdown.
Select Callout Classes and/or Callout Types, if desired.
Select either Bargaining Units Only, Non Bargaining Units Only or Both from the Bargaining Unit Preference field to determine which rosters will be reported.
Note: Whether a roster is a Bargaining Unit or not is controlled by the Bargaining Unit roster preference.
Select either Callout Create Date or Work Start Date from the Search By field to determine which date ARCOS will search for callouts by.
Click the Generate Report button, to display the report in the same window, -OR-
Click the Generate in New Window button, to leave the current window open and display the report in a new window, -OR-
Click the Reset button, to clear the currently selected search criteria and return the selector to default settings, -OR-
Click the Save button, to save the report. See Saving a Report for more information on this functionality.
Click here to view a Callout Audit Report.
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