1 Request Name and Progress Bar
Request Name
The name for this request.
Progress Bar
This displays the current status of this request. As the status of this request progressed, the progress bar will fill from left to right. Statuses include:
NEW - Request has been created BUT NOT sent to Responding Partner(s).
INITIATED - Request has been sent to Responding Partner(s).
PENDING - Request submitted by a Responding Partner for review.
COUNTER - A request that has been modified and requires further review.
ACCEPTED - A request that has been accepted by both parties.
FILLED - A request that has allocated resources.
CLOSED - A completed request.
2 For Request Team, Attribute Groups, Load Template, Send to Responding Partners, Contact Information, Approved to Activate
For Request Team
Default team will be first or select the name of the Request Team you are acting on behalf of.
Attribute Groups
Assign an attribute group to the Responding Partner that will be receiving this request.
Load Template
- Used this drop down menu to use previously created request templates. For more information on request templates, click here.
Send to Responding Partners
There are two boxes in this section. The left box shows all Responding Partner Groups the user has created. Selecting a group (or groups, using ctrl + click), filters the right box down to just those Responding Partners in that group (or groups).
The right box displays those Responding Partners the user can choose from, and can select multiple Responding Partners using ctrl + click.
Contact Information
A free form edit field for who the contact is for this specific request.
Approved to Activate
This changes the request type. When this option is OFF:
The request goes to the selected Responding Partners for their review.
The Responding Partners reply with available crews, equipment, vehicles, etc.
The Requester must then return to this request and click ACCEPT in order to receive resources.
When this option is ON:
The request goes to the selected Responding Partners for their review.
The Responding Partners can activate crews per the details of the request, without additional approval from the Requester.
The expiration date of this section dictates when the ‘auto timeout’ occurs so if crews aren’t allocated by that time, they are no longer directly approved.
3 Itemized Request Items, Add Request Item
Discussed below, here.
4 Requester Notes and Responder Notes
Requester Notes
For the Request to send notes about the request to the Responding Partner. These notes can include information about the event, staging sites, changes to necessary equipment, etc. It is a free form text field to be used as necessary, or not at all.
Can be left blank.
Responder Notes
Similar purpose to above Requester Notes.
Can be left blank.
5 Buttons
Also displayed at the top of the window for easier navigation.
Send Request
Click this after all the above information has been entered, where required.
This will change the status of a NEW request to INITIATED.
Save the current form progress of a NEW request. This will retain the request in the Events/ Requests tab, without sending it to a Responding Partner.
Leave the current request, without saving changes.
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