The Multi-Point Run selector allows you to export the same report with multiple PIT's without having to actually change your PIT.
Using Multi-Point Run by Interval
This setting will provide a user the option to allow all Crew Manager reports to be run for several periods. Once the report has been started, Crew Manager will cease real time updates until the report is complete. Any of the Crew Manager reports can be run for several periods of time by checking the Multi-Point Run By Interval checkbox before generating the report, enter a start time, number of hours for the period to cover and the number of periods to run the report.
When setting up a Multi-Run report, some of the processes are as follows:
The start time will be the current calendar day, in the user’s time zone
The start time must be entered in twenty-four hour format, 13:00 for 1:00pm
The report will begin to generate data as of the current PIT and go forward
The PIT will be adjusted forward by X hours and the data will be generated again
This process will be repeated for each period the user entered in the selector. Each period will be displayed on its own section, on the same tab, when the report is generated. Once the report is finished generating, the PIT will return to NOW and real time updates will resume.
Using Multi-Point Run by Shift Band
Note: Customers must have Shift Bands defined in order to use this feature.
This setting will provide a user the option to allow all Crew Manager Reports to be run for each defined shift band. Once the report has been started, Crew Manager will cease real time updates until the report is complete. Any of the Crew Manager reports can be run by Shift Bands by checking the Multi-Point Run By Shift Band checkbox before generating the report.
When this option is selected and the report is generated, ARCOS will adjust the users current PIT to the midpoint of the current shift band. This may be a time in the past or a time in the future. Data for the report will be generated based on the new PIT. ARCOS will then move the PIT to the midpoint of the next Shift Band and generate data. When using Shift Bands for a Multi-Point run report, ARCOS will generate data for the reports for the defined Shift Bands only. Once the report has been generated for all defined shift bands, ARCOS will adjust the PIT to NOW and real time updates will resume.
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