The PM (pick member) attribute type allows the user to select a members name from a pick list. Currently, only crew level attributes can use the pick member attribute type.
Example: If you wanted to indicate the supervisor of the crew’s phone number (using the memberAttr formula in the following section), you could use the PM attribute type to configure a badge that indicates who the supervisor of that crew is.
Note: If you wish to group your crews by a PM attribute type, a secondary formula attribute will need to be created that finds the members. Once created, set the view to group by the secondary attribute and not the PM type attribute. The secondary attributes formula will look like "memberAttr ("
To set select a member for the PM attribute type
Double click the badge. A search pop-up appears, similar to the add member pop-up.
Type the last name of the member you wish to select in the Search textbox.
Click the magnify button to search. The returned matches display above the search box.
Click on the member’s name to select them.
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