The Work Orders panel is used to search for a past, current or future work order that is assigned to a crew and view the details of the work order.
Screen items are listed below in the order they are pointed out in the above image from top to bottom.
Collapse: Collapses (closes) the work orders panel.
Number of Results: Displays the number of work orders that match the entered search criteria.
Work Order Description: Allows to user to type a non-case sensitive string of text to search within existing work order descriptions.
Search End Date: Allows the user to select the latest date to include in the search.
Note: The search range is inclusive, meaning all of the work order must fall within the search range in order to be displayed in the results.
Search Start Date: Allows the user to select the earliest date to include in the search.
Note: The search range is inclusive, meaning all of the work order must fall within the search range in order to be displayed in the results.
Search Results: Displays all work orders that meet the user's search criteria, including the work order's: start date/time, duration in hours, assigned crew, visibility and description.
Note: While in Grid View, the Group section will contain columns for attributes that are currently assigned to the Work Order.
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