The perspective menu allows users to create and manage perspectives. Instead of having the users load a view set and filter set, perspectives allow the end user to load both a predetermined view set and a predetermined filter set. Perspectives are made up of view and filter sets for all Crew Manager modes.
Screen items are listed below in the order they are pointed out in the above image from left to right and top to bottom.
Create Perspective: Allows the user to create a new perspective.
Load Existing Perspective: Allows the user to load an existing perspective.
Save Perspective: Allows the user to save changes to the perspective.
Save Perspective as a Copy: Allows the user to save a copy of the perspective.
Undo Changes: When clicked, the perspective will revert back to what it looked like the last time it was saved.
Owner: Indicates the user is the owner of the perspective.
Edit: Allows the user to change the name of the perspective and its security settings.
Edit able?: A visual representation if the perspective is edit able or not.
A locked pad lock indicates the perspective is locked and no one can make changes to it.
No pad lock indicates the perspective is edit able.
Note: If a perspective is locked, no one can make changes to it including the owner of the set.
Security Level: A visual representation of the security level that is applied to the perspective.
A blue globe indicates the perspective is viewable by all ARCOS users but they do not have edit access.
A green globe indicates the perspective is viewable by all ARCOS users and they do have edit access.
No globe indicates the perspective is a private set and only the user who created it has access to view and edit it.
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