Accrual Calculator - Elemental function used to generate accrual hours earned by the employee on a periodic basis.
Accumulator - Component that can be used to convert shift segments to Pay Codes.
Accumulator Filter - Elemental function used to exclude shift hours using the defined logic.
Associated Adjustment Pay Codes – The Pay Codes that get adjusted after the criteria has been met.
Associated Override Pay Codes – Can be used to ignore certain Pay Code filters when used in a Post Accumulator.
Hours Source - Identifies where the hours accumulated are coming from.
Calculation Duration - Identifies the time period when hours are to be accumulated (e.g., Day, Week, and Pay Period).
Employee Classification Set - Compilation of defined Employee Classifications.
Holiday Accumulator - An accumulator that can be used to determine how many Holiday hours an Employee is eligible for, in a situation where employees are “gifted” holiday pay.
Hours Source - Identifies where the hours accumulated are coming from (e.g., Shift, Accrual Account, and Reason).
Result Requirements - Used to determine if the selected situation is True or False.
Schedule Classification – Used to filter hours based on attributes of the employee’s schedule as it relates to days off and other defined criteria.
Shift Classification - Identifies the type of shift worked.
Shift Classification Set - Compilation of defined Shift Classifications.
Pay Code - Defines the output that is displayed in the time card pay code table and the amount of hours used in payroll calculations.
Pay Code Display - Defines how shifts associated with the Pay Code are displayed on the time card.
Pay Rule Set - Set of variables, established by a Company Administrator, used in determining how and when employee will receive compensation for time worked.
Post Accumulator - An accumulator that can be used as a final review to adjust hours after initial allocations have been made.
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