In order to claim a Shift listed on the Trade Board, you need to be on the Trade Board screen, click on the Tab at the top of the page marked "TRADE BOARD".
Sometimes, there may not be any shifts listed, either because you are not in the right Work Group, or possibly you don't have the work group trade rights for the shifts that are there, or even that there are not any shifts posted at that time.
If you do see a Shift listed on the Trade Board, you can click on the blue shift link to try to claim it.
The follow-up screen displays the details, click the link to "Claim" the Shift.
When you click on a day's listings on the Trade Board Shift to see about what shifts may be available for that day, you may find that you cannot claim any of them. If you cannot claim a shift, you will not see the small blue text link marked "Claim". Instead, RosterApps will show you what the problem is under the "Conflict" column (just to the left of) the "Claim" column. You may have the skill required for the shift, and should be in the correct Work Group for the Shift, but there may be another reason why you cannot claim the Shift for your Work Schedule. In such a case, the "Conflict" column will show you what the problem is.
For a list of Conflict Messages, and what they mean, click here.
If you can Claim a Shift from the Trade Board, and click on the 'Claim' link, you will be taken to a confirmation page. The information about the shift will be summarized for you, and you will have an opportunity to confirm your Claim, by clicking on the "Accept" button.
Be certain that you want to claim the shift in question, because you will be responsible for working it once you claim it. Once you have claimed the shift and confirmed your claim, you can go to your work schedule Calendar, and you can see the new shift on your weekly schedule.
Your newly claimed shift appears in your Work Schedule Calendar. In this case, the orange color on the left-hand side tells you that the shift was a claimed Open Shift. The color might also be light blue, which means that the shift was posted to the Trade Board by a co-worker.
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