The Trade Board Tab is where you will find shifts posted for other workers to claim for their own. You get there by clicking on the "TRADE BOARD" tab.
Here is where you can claim a shift for yourself if your schedule allows. RosterApps will show you the number of shifts posted for any given day, for which you are either in the work group of the shift or you have work group trade rights for the work group the shift belongs to. If there is a shift (or multiple shifts) listed for a day, RosterApps will show you a text link. Click on that link to see a summary of shifts that are posted for that day.
Just because a Shift is listed here, however, does not mean that you will be able to claim it. RosterApps must determine that you are in the required Work Group or that you have permissions to be able to trade Shifts with the required Work Group. It is possible to have Work Group trade rights to the Shift in question but lack the required Skill for that Shift. This will result in RosterApps displaying the "Skill" conflict under the column market "Conflict" when you are looking at the Shifts posted for any given day.
If your Trade Board does not display any Shifts for any given day, that means that you are not in the Required Work Group or there is no Shift on the Trade Board for that day.
Results can be Filtered by Skills. Check the "Show All Skills" box to expand, select from the list and only shifts for the checked Skills will display.
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