Customers are allotted a specific number of OSCAR Users based on their current products as designated in the below table. This number is adjusted when a new product is transitioned from Implementation to Support.
If you require additional OSCAR Users beyond your companies allotment, please contact ARCOS Support with the number of additional OSCAR Users you want and the reason for the excess. ARCOS Support will escalate your request for additional OSCAR Users to Support Management.
Please note that there may be a fee for excess OSCAR Users.
If you are approved for excess OSCAR Users, please keep in mind that:
If you remove an excess OSCAR User and do not replace them, you will lose that OSCAR spot.
If you want to keep that excess OSCAR User slot, you will need to replace the OSCAR User at the time you are doing the removal.
Companies are not required to use all of their OSCAR User slots and they are not required to designate OSCARs by product with the exception of Platform, On Premise, and RosterApps. These are your TOTAL OSCAR Users to designate how you see fit.
If you have questions about your OSCAR User Allotment calculation, please contact ARCOS Support.
Product | Number of OSCAR Users |
Advanced Reporting | 2 |
ARCOS Ascend | 6 |
Callout* | 6 |
Crew Manager | 6 |
Incident Manager | 3 |
On Premise (legacy) | 6 |
Resource Assist (Not RA Lite) | 6 |
RosterApps** | 6 |
sMART | 3 |
Workbench | 6 |
The amount of OSCAR Users changes if you have more than 1 service territory (state). If you have more then 1 service territory, you do not receive 6 OSCAR Users but rather 2 per service territory or the default 6, whichever is greater.
If you have the following service territories and have purchased Callout and Crew Manager, you will receive:
Service Territories: OH, MI, KY, IN, TX, OK, LA
7 Service Territories = 14 OSCAR Users (2 per State)
Crew Manager = 6 OSCAR Users
Using the information above: 14 + 6 = 20 OSCAR Users Total
RosterApps **
The amount of OSCAR User changes if the customer has more than 1 company on their site. If they have more than 1 company on their site, each company receives 6 OSCAR Users.
For Example:
If you have 2 companies on your site (separate logins/Company Admins), you would receive 12 total OSCAR Users but they will be designated only 6 per company and identified to which specific company in their site they belong. Those OSCAR Users will only be able to submit tickets for the specific company to which they are assigned.
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