In order to modify the OSCAR Users for your company, the request must be made by an existing OSCAR User to ARCOS Support. Any OSCAR User has the authority to modify OSCAR Users.
If you need to make multiple changes to your OSCAR Users, please complete the attached spreadsheet instead of the individual template and send it to ARCOS Support.
When making a request to have an OSCAR User removed, please keep the following in mind:
- If the OSCAR User was your Primary Contact, you will need to designate a new Primary Contact.
- If the OSCAR User was enrolled in ARCOS Notifications, please confirm if the user should still receive those notifications or if they should be removed entirely.
- If you have multiple companies supported by ARCOS and the OSCAR User is designated for multiple companies, you may be asked or reached out to, if the user should be removed from all companies or a single company.
If you are unsure how the OSCAR User was setup, please contact ARCOS Support to confirm their settings.
Additions / Replacements
When making a request to add an OSCAR User, you will need to have an open OSCAR User slot. If you are unsure if you have any open OSCAR User slots, please contact ARCOS Support.
- If you do not have an open OSCAR User slot, you may still add your new OSCAR User but you will need to replace an existing OSCAR User in order to do so.
Whether you are adding or replacing, please provide ARCOS Support with the following template of information about the new OSCAR.
Please note that ARCOS Support cannot add your new OSCAR User without this information.
OSCAR User Template
Phone Number(s):
User Settings:
Will this user be your Primary Contact for non-emergency issues?
The Primary Contact is contacted for non-emergency issues such as non-OSCAR calls/emails to Support.
An organization can only have one Primary Contact. If you are unsure who your Primary Contact is, please contact ARCOS Support.
Should the user receive any type of ARCOS notifications? If so, please indicate which ones:
Deploy and Release Note Notifications
Outage Notifications
All Products - Specific Product/Issue will be Identified in Message
Product Specific Notifications:
Advanced Reporting Notifications
ARCOS Ascend Notifications
ARCOS Platform Notifications
Callout Notifications
Crew Manager Notifications
Incident Manager Notifications
On Prem Notifications
RAMP-UP Notifications
Resource Assist / RA Lite Notifications
Resource Planner Notifications
RosterApps Notifications
sMART Notifications
Workbench Notifications
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