TextPower provides a "sandbox" environment for developers and partners to use for testing of APIs.
You can use any API call into our system and it will respond appropriately. The only difference is that messages will not be sent. So you can use it to test, for example, the SendSMS call, the ManageOptin call or whatever. The ManageOptin call as an example will allow you to opt numbers into and out of the sandbox keyword. The SendSMS call will allow you to test sending a message; you'll get back the proper payload but the message won't be sent.
Make your test calls using these credentials:
Make the calls to our JSON endpoint: https://secure.textpower.com/TPIServices/BasicJSONV4API
Here is an example of our SendSMS API call using this sandbox environment:
"method": "SendSMS",
"msgcredentials": {
"UID": "Sandbox-APIonly",
"PWD": "tdqSL0HV2FOH$BPNxJ4B",
"Campaign": "sandbox",
"Keyword": "sandbox"
"CellNumber": "8182980800",
"Message": "Testing API call 'SendSMS' to sandbox - will not send",
"ForceOptIn": true,
"DelaySend": false,
"SendTime": "",
"Queued": false,
"LangEncoding": 0,
"IsMultiPartMsg": false
"SMSQueued": {
"Customer": "#InternalTest",
"MessageStatus": {
"TimeStamp": "5/24/2021 4:55:17 PM",
"SendResult": {
"@SeqNum": "0",
"QueueID": "11157783",
"CellNumber": "8182980800",
"Carrier": "31003",
"TimeStamp": "5/24/2021 4:55:17 PM",
"Status": "Queued"
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