Many of our customers have told us that they send the same message frequently. Whether it's "Have a good weekend" or "The office will be closed tomorrow due to the holiday" or "A storm is coming - see our website HERE for a list of steps to take!" many times you might want to save that message to use again in the future without having to re-enter it.
TextPower now offers a function to do exactly that in AlertManager. The "AutoFill Message" function is simple to use. Just type a message into the regular Message entry field and click the "Save As AutoFill Message" button. The message will be saved and available by just clicking the "AutoFill Message" dropdown menu - all of the messages you've saved will appear there.
Here's a detailed description showing how to use this handy feature:
- After logging into AlertManager go to the Send Messages page by clicking the icon at the top of the left-hand navigation bar.
- Enter the message you want to save into the "Send this Message" field and click the "Save As AutoFill Message" button.
- To use one of the AutoFill messages simply select one from the dropdown menu and it will populate the "Send This Message" field:
- To delete an AutoFill message just select the one you want to remove in the dropdown menu and click the red "Remove Selected AutoFill Message."
That's all there is to it. Simple, effective and helpful. We hope you make good use of it. As always if you need more assistance email us at or call 1-888-634-8507, press OPTION 3.
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