To place yourself on Holdover
Note: You can only place yourself on Holdover from Working - Normal Shift status.
Login to mobile app.
Tap the Schedule button. The Schedule page opens displaying the user's current status.
To change the search filters, tap the Settings
icon at the bottom of the screen. The filters menu displays.
Select the options you wish to include in your search.
Tap the Save
icon to reload the Schedule page with your new filters.
Tap on your current Working - Normal Shift exception. The details of the schedule record displays.
Tap the Holdover link at the bottom of the page.
Select the Holdover Type from the menu (if applicable).
Tap the Save icon.
Note: If the assigned Holdover record is no longer needed, the holdover can be removed by repeating steps 1-7 above and tapping the Unholdover link.
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