Click on any Name link from the summary and their Outgoing Request details are displayed.
The request status, in this case Complete, can be found at the top of the window.
The following table provides a description of the functions associated with each button at the top of this page:
Close Request: Clicking this button closes the request an removes the request from the summary of both the Requester and the Responder.
Resend Email: Click to resend the request. This is only available if the request is not Locked.
View Roster: Once submitted, clicking this button allows the requester to review and export the submitted roster.
Edit Roster: This option, which is only available once a roster has been submitted, requests with a Complete or Edited Status, allows the user to make changes to the roster.
Lock Request: Toggle to lock the request and no longer accept roster edits or submissions.
Request Details:
Name - The person the request was sent to.
Company - The name of the company the request is going to.
Event - The name of the Event, if any, associated with the request.
Arrival Location - The location to report to upon arrival.
Arrival Date/Time - The date and time the resources are needed.
Requested by - The date and time the request was sent.
Number of Resource - The quantity of resources requested
Resource Type - The type of resource requested.
The roster Required Fields and Preferred Fields as defined by the requester. For more on Roster Submission Setup, go here.
The Roster name and time of submission.
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