Clicking the Name hyperlink from the summary displays the Request Details and offers the tools needed to respond.
The status of the request, in this case Open, can be found next to View Request.
Request Details:
Name The person the request was sent to.
Company The name of the company the request is going to.
Event The name of the Event, if any, associated with the request.
Arrival Location The location to report to upon arrival.
Arrival Date and Time The date and time the resources are needed.
Requested by The date and time the request was sent.
Number of Resource The quantity of resources requested.
Resource Type The type of resource requested.
The Required Fields and Preferred Fields listed in this window, which are defined by the requestor, must be included in the roster submission. Clicking the Download Template button, available at the top of the page, downloads a preloaded, with the required and preferred fields defined by the requester, .cvs file type template to be filled in by the responder.
This section allows the user to select an existing roster to share by clicking Choose File. Clicking the Upload Roster sends the response.
Resource Request:
Displays the Number of Resources and Resource Type associated with the event.
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