If your company allows, you may be able to run an Employee Calendar Report. This report allows you view your assigned shifts in a monthly view.
Select the Month you'd like to view in the report from the dropdown menu.
Check the Show Personal Time on Calendar checkbox if you'd like PTO displayed as well.
Lastly, select which type of report output format you want:
HTML - This is a HyperText Transfer Markup Language output, or a standard web page output. RosterApps will pop-up a window that includes the report in web format (no other software needed than the web browser you already have open).
PDF - This is a Portable Document Format file. It can be viewed by any PDF reader, such as Adobe Acrobat.
EXCEL - This is a Microsoft Excel file format. You will need MS Excel to view it, or a program that can utilize/import Excel files.
XML - This is an eXtensible Markup Language. If you can utilize this file format, you already know what to use.
IMAGE - This is the option for getting the report results as an image file. It will display in your browser, and can be used by any image viewing or editing program.
CSV - This is a Comma Separated Value format. You can utilize this format with any spreadsheet or other program that can import or utilize a CSV format file.
Once you have made your choices for the report, click on the blue button "Show Report" to run the report and generate the output you selected.
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