You can send a message simply and easily without an API and without logging into the customer portal by entering a complete string into any browser's URL bar. This is referred to as the HTTP POST method and is designed for easy testing and for two-factor authentication (2FA) sending when only a simple message has to be sent.
Here's how you do it:
OR (this secure URL requires a valid certificate on your end)
Whichever one is used, the following parameter string gets appended immediately after it (the question mark in the parameter string abuts the end of the URL).
Parameter string is:
?UID={0}&PWD={1}&Campaign={2}&Keyword={3}&msg={4}&queue={5}&CellNumber={6} (this secure URL requires a valid certificate on your end)
Whichever one is used, the following parameter string gets appended immediately after it (the question mark in the parameter string abuts the end of the URL).
Parameter string is:
Replace the numbers and brackets surrounding them with the actual data; e.g., the zero and brackets inside {0} would be replaced with your actual user ID.
So the complete string would be:
Here is a complete parameter description: Replace the {n} with the whole parameter. No curly brackets should remain.
2=Campaign Name
3=Keyword. If no keyword, parameter still must be present but with no data after it.
4=The message. This parameter must be URL Encoded if any character other than a letter or number is present.
5=Queue. This parameter must be zero for no queuing or a 1 for queuing. TextPower strongly recommends using queueing on ALL messages, regardless of method.
6=The Cell Number. If this is a straight number, no URL Encoding is necessary. If it is an international number with a + sign in front of it, it must be URL Encoded. URL Encoding of this parameter is easy. If a straight number just use it. If it is an international number that needs a plus sign, just replace the + sign with %2B.
2=Campaign Name
3=Keyword. If no keyword, parameter still must be present but with no data after it.
4=The message. This parameter must be URL Encoded if any character other than a letter or number is present.
5=Queue. This parameter must be zero for no queuing or a 1 for queuing. TextPower strongly recommends using queueing on ALL messages, regardless of method.
6=The Cell Number. If this is a straight number, no URL Encoding is necessary. If it is an international number with a + sign in front of it, it must be URL Encoded. URL Encoding of this parameter is easy. If a straight number just use it. If it is an international number that needs a plus sign, just replace the + sign with %2B.
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