This formula will return Y if the member had an unmasked Schedule Record that matches the 1st argument and occurred between start days HH:MM and end days HH:MM.
Format: hadStatusOf (Status to look for, Status or StatusDesc, Start HH:MM, [Start days from PIT], End HH:MM, [End days from PIT])
If the 2nd argument is Status, the 1st must match the type of Status (Working, Rest, Exception, etc).
If the 2nd argument is StatusDesc, the 1st argument must match the Schedule Record event description.
Start HH:MM is the starting time of day.
[Start days from PIT] is an optional argument that specifies the number of days from the current pit day to start from.
End HH:MM is the ending time of day.
[End days from PIT] is an optional argument that specified the number of days from the current pit day to end from.
Valid values for the HH:MM arguments are the times between 00:00 (midnight) and 23:59 (11:59 pm).
Valid values for the days from pit arguments are -7 (7 days before pit) to 7 (7 days after PIT).
In the examples, the “Summary” attribute would be a pre-req.
hadStatusOf(Rest, Status, 08:00, 16:00). This returns Y if a member had a Rest status somewhere between 8 am and 4 pm on the current PIT day.
hadStatusOf(Working - Normal Shift, StatusDesc, 02:00, -1, 12:00, 1). This returns Y if a member worked a normal shift somewhere between 2 am the day before PIT and noon the day after PIT.
The formula, attribute name and data point must be spelled and in the same case as the formula, attribute or data point you are referencing.
E.g. If an attribute is called CrewType, in the formula, you must use CrewType. crewType and CREWTYPE will not reference the CrewType attribute.
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