The assignSum formula can only be used on Resource types (eg Vehicle, Restaurant, WorkOrder). It is used to sum (add up) data using the crews or members who are currently assigned to each resource instance.
Format: assignSum ( targetClass.assignAttr.attrName )
The 2nd-part of the argument must refer to a Crew or Member level attribute which itself IS a resource assignment attribute.
The 3rd-part of the argument must be a Crew or Member attribute (the thing being summed), and should have numeric values.
assignSum ( crews.BreakfastAssign.Company )
assignSum ( members.HotelAssign.Gender )
The formula, attribute name and data point must be spelled and in the same case as the formula, attribute or data point you are referencing.
E.g. If an attribute is called CrewType, in the formula, you must use CrewType. crewType and CREWTYPE will not reference the CrewType attribute.
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